How to affect website Content to SEO

As mentioned in the Content is King section, you want to write content that your audience will find valuable and engaging. Aside from the topical nature of the content, the way you format your webpages can have an impact on how the search engine bots digest your content. Every webpage you create should have a thought-provoking headline to grab the reader‟s attention, and should also include the keyword or phrase that the webpage covers. Other body formatting, such as bolding certain keywords or phrases, can help stress the importance of phrases you are optimizing for. 

Search engine optimized content, is one of the most important factors in determining who finds your website and what information they take away after they have landed there.

When search engines scan websites to determine how relevant they are for any specific keyword or phrase, they are looking for content. More importantly, search engines are looking for content that contains the keywords and phrases Internet users search for. Content that successfully incorporates these keywords, along with other SEO techniques are determined the most relevant for that subject and appear on the first page of search engine results for that valuable keyword.

Internet users almost never search past the first page of search engine results for any given search query, so when your website does not appear on that first page, the chances of anyone finding your website through organic search engine results becomes next to nothing.

Search engine optimized content gives you the best of both worlds. On the one hand it creates valuable, relevant content that search engines respond to positively, giving your website and individual web pages higher search engine rankings. From the reader perspective, the valuable SEO content you have created gives your visitors the information they were searching for, which leads to new contacts and higher conversion rates.

Right now the Internet is more important than ever, and with the advances of SEO techniques as well as the increased reliance of Internet users on search engines like Google, it is imperative for any online business to incorporate SEO content into their website to stay competitive in their market.

How to Approach Your SEO Strategy

When developing an SEO strategy, it is best to split your initiatives into two buckets: on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page SEO covers everything you can control on each specific webpage and across your website to make it easyfor the search engines to find, index, and understand the topical nature of your content. Off-page SEO covers all aspects of SEO that happen off your website to garner quality inbound links.

When developing an SEO strategy, it is best to split your initiatives into two buckets: on-page SEO and off-page SEO.
  1. On-page SEO covers everything you can control on each specific webpage and across your website to make it easy for the search engines to find, index, and understand the topical nature of your content.
  2. Off-page SEO covers all aspects of SEO that happen off your website to garner quality inbound links. Let’s dive into on-page SEO first, and then we’ll tackle off-page SEO in the next section.
There are multiple elements on your website that you can control to make it easy for the search engines to index your content and understand what it is all about.
Website Content

As mentioned you want to write content that your audience will find valuable and engaging. Aside from the topical nature of the content, the way you format your webpages can have an impact on how the search engine bots digest your content. Every webpage you create should have a thought-provoking headline to grab the reader‟s attention, and should also include the keyword or phrase that the webpage covers. Other body formatting, such as bolding certain keywords or phrases, can help stress the importance of phrases you are optimizing for.
URL Structure
The actual structure of your website URL can have an impact on the search engines‟ ability to index and understand your website‟s content. Opting for a more organized URL structure will have the greatest impact. Some website creation software will insert arbitrary numbers and code in the URL. Although this may be optimal for the software, it serves no other purpose. If you can edit the URL to include the title of your webpage, you should do so. In fact, some website creation software, like HubSpot, will automatically create URLs based off of your webpage content in order to eliminate this issue.
There is nothing worse than landing on a webpage and being faced with mountains of text. Not only are pictures a great way to break up sections of text, but they also serve as an opportunity to communicate with the search engines. Because search engines cannot tell what a picture is by scanning it, they look for clues in two places.

Every picture you upload to your website will have a file name. When the picture is inserted on your website, the picture‟s file name actually lives in your website‟s sources code, or HTML. Since the search engines scan your website‟s code, you should use file names that describe the picture. For example, „red-tennis-shoes-velcro.jpg‟ is much more useful than „pic12345.jpg‟.

Additionally, you can give the search engines an extra hand by including alt tags on all pictures on your website. Alt tags are short snippets of code that allow you to tag each photo on your site with a short text blurb.

Title Tags & Meta Tags
Besides an actual text headline on your page, every webpage you create has a title tag. This is the text snippet that appears in the upper left corner or on the tabs of your web browser. Also, the title tag is the blue link that the search engines show when they list your webpage on the SERP. Title tags max out at 75 characters, so choose your words wisely.

Meta tags are snippets of code you can include within your webpage‟s HTML. The meta tags are usually located near the title tag code in the head of your HTML.

There are two meta tags – meta description and meta keywords.

The meta description is a text snippet that describes what your specific webpage is about. Meta descriptions are usually the first place a search engine will look to find text to put under your blue link when they list your website on the SERP. If you do not have a meta description, the search engines will usually select a random piece of content from the page they are linking to. The meta description is limited to 150 characters.

Meta keywords consists of an additional text snippet in the HTML that allows you to list a few different keywords that relate to your webpage. Back in the day, search engines used this field to determine what keywords to rank your webpage for. Now, most search engines claim they do not even use meta keywords when indexing content. Some small or niche search engines may still use it though. As a best practice, it is recommended to put 5-7 keywords in the meta keywords, but don‟t spend too much time thinking about it.

Headline Tags
When the search engine bots scan your webpages, they look for clues to determine exactly what your webpage is about. Keywords that are treated differently than most others on the page show the search engines that they are more important than other keywords on the page. This is why the use of headline tags within your page is so important. By using various headline tags (each tag will produce a different size headline), you not only make your webpage easier to digest from a reader‟s standpoint, but you will also give the search engines definitive clues as to what is important on the page.

Internal Linking
Up until this point we have only referenced inbound links, or those links coming to you website from other websites. When creating content for your website on your blog or on specific webpages, you may want to reference other pages on your website. You can reference these other pages by inserting a link to another webpage within a specific webpage‟s content. The use of anchor text is recommended when linking to another webpage or even another website. When anchor text is used, it implies that the page you are linking to is about the keyword or phrase you use as your anchor.

Content is King

We‟ve all heard it - when it comes to SEO, content is king. Without rich content, you will find it difficult to rank for specific keywords and drive traffic to your website. Additionally, if your content does not provide value or engage users, you will be far less likely to drive leads and customers.

It is impossible to predict how people will search for content and exactly what keywords they are going to use. The only way to combat this is to generate content and lots of it. The more content and webpages you publish, the more chances you have at ranking on the search engines. Lottery tickets are a good analogy here. The more lottery tickets you have, the higher the odds are that you will win. Imagine that every webpage you create is a lottery ticket. The more webpages you have, the higher your chances are of ranking in the search engines.

As you already know, the search engines are smart. If you create multiple webpages about the same exact topic, you are wasting your time. You need to create lots of content that covers lots of topics. There are multiple ways you can use content to expand your online presence and increase your chances of ranking without being repetitive. Here are few examples:

Homepage: Use your homepage to cover your overall value proposition and high-level messaging. If there was ever a place to optimize for more generic keywords, it is your homepage.
Product/Service Pages: If you offer products and/or services, create a unique webpage for each one of them.
Resource Center: Provide a webpage that offers links to other places on your website that cover education, advice, and tips.
Blog: Blogging is an incredible way to stay current and fresh while making it easy to generate tons of content. Blogging on a regular basis (once per week is ideal) can have a dramatic impact on SEO because every blog post is a new webpage.
While conducting SEO research, you may come across articles that discuss being mindful of keyword density (how often you mention a keyword on a page). Although following an approach like this may seem technically sound, it is not recommended. 

Remember: do not write content for the search engines. Write content for your audience and everything else will follow. Make sure each webpage has a clear objective and remains focused on one topic, and you will do just fine.

Long-Tail Concept & Theory

In order to get your website‟s content to rank on the search engines, you need to take the path of least resistance. Although trying to rank for highly trafficked keywords and terms may seem like a logical approach, it will most likely lead to a lot of frustration and wasted resources. Also, even if you end up getting traffic from these types of keywords, chances are the quality of the traffic will be low due to disinterest in what you specifically have toThink of every search query as being like a snow flake - they are all different. There are billions more unique search queries than there are generic ones. In fact, if you were to add up all search engine traffic that comes from the most popular keywords, it would not even come close to the amount of traffic that comes from searches using those more unique queries. This is called the theory of the long tail.

A critical component of SEO is choosing the right keywords for optimization. If you sell shoes, you may want your website to rank for “shoe store,” (a head term), but chances are you are going to have some trouble there. However, if you optimize multiple pages on your website for each specific pair of shoes that you sell, you are going to have much more success and it will be easier to rank on the SERP. A keyword like “red tennis shoes with Velcro” (a long-tail keyword or term) is a good example. Sure, the number of people that search for this keyword will be much lower than the number that search for “shoe store,” but you can almost bet that those searchers are much farther down the sales funnel and may be ready to buy.

This is why long-tail keywords are so effective. They target people who are looking to perform a specific action, like buy something, or looking for a specific piece of information, like a how-to or a service that can solve their problem. By choosing to optimize with long-tail keywords, you will find it easier to rank on the search engines, drive qualified traffic, and turn that traffic into leads and customers.

What it Takes to Rank

It is not difficult to get your website to index and even rank on the search engines. However, getting your website to rank for specific keywords can be tricky. There are essentially 3 elements that a search engine considers when determining where to list a website on the SERP: 
  • Rank, 
  • Authority, 
  • And relevance.
Rank is the position that your website physically falls in on the SERP when a specific search query is entered. If you are the first website in the organic section of the SERP (don‟t be confused by the paid ads at the very top), then your rank is 1. If your website is in the second position, your rank is 2, and so on. As discussed previously in How Search Engines Work, your rank is an indicator of how relevant and authoritative your website is in the eyes of the search engine, as it relates to the search query entered.

Tracking how your website ranks for a specific keyword over time is a good way to determine if your SEO techniques are having an impact. However, since there are so many other factors beyond your control when it comes to ranking, do not obsess over it. If your website jumps 1-5 spots from time to time, that‟s to be expected. It‟s when you jump 10, 20, 30 spots up in the rankings that it makes sense to pat yourself on the back.

As previously discussed in the How Search Engines Work section, search engines determine how authoritative and credible a website‟s content is by calculating how many inbound links (links from other websites) it has. However, the number of inbound links does not necessarily correlate with higher rankings. The search engines also look at how authoritative the websites that link to you are, what anchor text is used to link to your website, and other factors such as the age of your domain.

You can track over time how authoritative your website is by monitoring a few different metrics. There are a variety of tools to help you keep track. HubSpot offers a free tool called Website Grader that will show you how many domains are linking to your website, and also provide your website‟s Moz rank. MozRank is SEOmoz's general, logarithmically scaled 10-point measure of global link authority or popularity. It is very similar in purpose to the measures of link importance used by the search engines (e.g., Google's PageRank).

Relevance is a one of the most critical factors of SEO. The search engines are not only looking to see that you are using certain keywords, but they are also looking for clues to determine how relevant your content is to a specific search query. Besides actual text on your webpages, the search engines will review your website‟s structure, use of keywords in your URLs, page formatting, and what keywords are in the headline of the webpage versus those in the body text.

While there is no way to track how relevant your website is, there are some SEO basics you can practice to cover your bases and make sure you are giving the search engines every possible opportunity to consider your website. We‟ll get to that in just a bit.

Search engines are extremely complex. Bottom line: the search engines are trying to think like human beings. It is very easy to get caught up in modifying your website‟s content just so you rank on the search engines. When in doubt, always err on the side of providing relevant and coherent content that your website‟s audience can digest. If you find yourself doing something solely for the search engines, you should take a moment to ask yourself why.

How Search Engines Work

How search engines work
Search engines have one objective – to provide you with the most relevant results possible in relation to your search query. If the search engine is successful in providing you with information that meets your needs, then you are a happy searcher. And happy searchers are more likely to come back to the same search engine time and time again because they are getting the results they need.

In order for a search engine to be able to display results when a user types in a query, they need to have an archive of available information to choose from. Every search engine has proprietary methods for gathering and prioritizing website content. Regardless of the specific tactics or methods used, this process is called indexing. Search engines actually attempt to scan the entire online universe and index all the information so they can show it to you when you enter a search query.

How do they do it? Every search engine has what are referred to as bots, or crawlers, that constantly scan the web, indexing websites for content and following links on each webpage to other webpages. If your website has not been indexed, it is impossible for your website to appear in the search results. Unless you are running a shady online business or trying to cheat your way to the top of the search engine results page (SERP), chances are your website has already been indexed.

So, big search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are constantly indexing hundreds of millions, if not billions, of webpages. How do they know what to show on the SERP when you enter a search query? The search engines consider two main areas when determining what your website is about and how to prioritize it.

  1. Content on your website: When indexing pages, the search engine bots scan each page of your website, looking for clues about what topics your website covers and scanning your website‟s back-end code for certain tags, descriptions, and instructions.
  2. Who’s linking to you: As the search engine bots scan webpages for indexing, they also look for links from other websites. The more inbound links a website has, the more influence or authority it has. Essentially, every inbound link counts as a vote for that website‟s content. Also, eachinbound link holds different weight. For instance, a link from a highly authoritative website like The New York Times ( will give a website a bigger boost than a link from a small blog site. This boost is sometimes referred to as link juice.
When a search query is entered, the search engine looks in its index for the most relevant information and displays the results on the SERP. The results are then listed in order of most relevant and authoritative.

If you conduct the same search on different search engines, chances are you will see different results on the SERP. This is because each search engine uses a proprietary algorithm that considers multiple factors in order to determine what results to show in the SERP when a search query is entered.

For December 2012, the search landscape was like this:
  • Google: 114.7 billion searches, 65.2% share
  • Baidu: 14.5 billion searches, 8.2% share
  • Yahoo: 8.6 billion searches, 4.9% share
  • Yandex: 4.8 billion searches, 2.8% share
  • Microsoft: 4.5 billion searches, 2.5% share
  • Others: 28.7 billion searches, 16.3% share

A few factors that a search engine algorithm may consider when deciding what information to show in the SERP include:

  • Geographic location of the searcher
  • Historical performance of a listing (clicks, bounce rates, etc.)
  • Link quality (reciprocal vs. one-way)
  • Webpage content (keywords, tags, pictures)
  • Back end code or HTML of webpage
  • Link type (social media sharing, link from media outlet, blog, etc.)
With a 200B market capiii, Google dominates the search engine market. Google became the leader by fundamentally revolutionizing the way search engines work and giving searchers better results with their advanced algorithm. With 64% market share, according to Compete, Inc., Google is still viewed as the primary innovator and master in the space.

Before the days of Google (circa 1997), search engines relied solely on indexing web page content and considering factors like keyword density in order to determine what results to put at the top of the SERP. This approach gave way to what are referred to as black-hat SEO tactics, as website engineers began intentionally stuffing their webpages with keywords so they would rank at the top of the search engines, even if their webpages were completely irrelevant to the search result.

What is SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to techniques that help your website rank higher in organic (or “natural”) search results, thus making your website more visible to people who are looking for your product or service via search engines. SEO is part of the broader topic of Search Engine Marketing (SEM), a term used to describe all marketing strategies for search. SEM entails both organic and paid search. With paid search, you can pay to list your website on a search engine so that your website shows up when someone types in a specific keyword or phrase. Organic and paid listings both appear on the search engine, but they are displayed in different locations on the page.

So, why is it important for your business‟ website to be listed on search engines? On Google alone, there are over 694,000 searches conducted every second.i Think about that. Every second that your website is not indexed on Google, you are potentially missing out on hundreds, if not thousands of opportunities for someone to visit your website, read your content, and potentially buy your product or service. Practicing SEO basics, as well as more advanced techniques after those, can drastically improve your website‟s ability to rank in the search engines and get found by your potential customers.

What about paid search? Yes, you can pay to have your website listed on the search engines. However, running paid search campaigns can be quite costly if you don‟t know what you‟re doing. Not to mention, about 88% of search engine users never click on paid search ads anyway. Because the sole purpose of a search engine is to provide you with relevant and useful information, it is in everyone‟s best interest (for the search engine, the searcher, and you) to ensure that your website is listed in the organic search listings. In fact, it is probably best to stay away from paid search all together until you feel you have a firm grasp on SEO and what it takes to rank organically

What is RSS

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a lightweight XML format designed for sharing headlines and other Web content. Think of it as a distributable "What's New" for your site. Originated by UserLand in 1997 and subsequently used by Netscape to fill channels for Netcenter, RSS has evolved into a popular means of sharing content between sites (including the BBC, CNET, CNN, Disney, Forbes, Wired, Slashdot, ZDNet,and more). RSS solves myriad problems webmasters commonly face, such as increasing traffic,and gathering and distributing news. RSS can also be the basis for additional content distribution services.

RSS is a format for syndicating news and the content of news-like sites, including major news sites like Wired, news-oriented community sites like Slashdot, and personal weblogs. But it's not just for news. Pretty much anything that can be broken down into discrete items can be syndicated via RSS: the "recent changes" page of a wiki, a changelog of CVS checkins, even the revision history of a book.

Once information about each item is in RSS format, an RSS-aware program can check the feed for changes and react to the changes in an appropriate way. RSS-aware programs called news aggregators are popular in the weblogging community. Many weblogs make content available in RSS. A news aggregator can help you keep up with all your favorite weblogs by checking their RSS feeds and displaying new items from each of them.

How to create your own blog

Creating a blog is nothing that you need to be afraid of. There is no elaborate planning required either. However, there are a few things you would need to decide. Since these blogging service providers give you a lot of choice in terms of template and color themes, would be require to take those decisions yourself.

The following is a quick guide of what to think over before creating your
  • Theme: Determine what you would be writing about or the nature of the content that you would be sharing with your readers. This depends mainly on your interest. Topics blogging to the field of politics, poetry, arts, current affairs, or almost anything under the sun can be chosen. You can stick to one theme or you can choose to write about whatever concerns you on a day to day basis. Since it is your very own web journal, you can make it as flexible as possible in all aspects.
  • Blogging Provider: Next you need to decide upon which blogging service provider you would like to use. This depends on the kind of reviews that you get about them from friends and acquaintances, or something about them that you may have read online. Otherwise, you can always try out something and find out if you like it. You can try out
  • one of these popular sites:,, Typepad,,,,,,,,, or
  • Templates: A wide range of templates will be made available on any blogging service you decide to start you blog. Select the one you most prefer or like.
  • Freebies: The advantage with these blogging service providers is that they make your blogging experience as dynamic and interactive as possible. They enable you to install add-on features that include button, pictures, blog chalks, imoods, tagboards such as, guest maps, guestbooks, comment boxes for readers' thoughts and views, etc.
  • Additional Features: These interesting ones may not be free. By paying a price you can avail of them.
  • Nature of Blog: You must determine who should read your blogwhether you want it to be read only by a select circle, or must it be open to all. This will depend upon the content, mainly.
  • Layout: Again, there will be a wide range to choose from in terms of layout and color schemes.
  • Content: You could pick up a specific theme and write about it consistently, or merely decide on any random topic as and when it interests you. You could try putting up content for a while and see the kind of response you get, and alter or modify it accordingly.
  • Blogging Circle: Blogging is a great way to come in touch with people from across the globe. You can surf and visit other people’s blogs. Do not spam in their comment section, but write a genuine comment if
  • you have something to say about a particular post.
  • Skins: You can customize and personalize your blog as much as you want. Using software like Photoshop you can create your own skins and make your blog attractive as well as make it reflect you own personality.
  • Publish: Finally when you are done selecting the setting and preferences, selecting a content to put up, you need to publish the content. Do not, however, forget to send the link to your blog to your friends and acquaintances so that they may come visit you.
Once you have started your blog, you will have noticed that it hardly takes fifteen minutes to do so. Maintain the blog is even easier. Here are a few tips that would help you successfully keep your blog going:
  • Update: Update frequently otherwise visitors may stop coming to your blog. It will also give you more confidence to churn out more well worded posts in the future.
  • Personalize: Even though you might be discussing general and universal themes, add your own personal touch to make things lighter and interesting.
  • Theme: If you have a theme blog you can Google for other blogs of a similar kind and build you network.
  • Spelling and Grammar: Make sure you proof read your posts. Spelling and grammatical errors can be a major put-off for many readers.
  • Advertisements: You could play host to sites like Google AdSense and earn revenue by placing their links on your blog.

Create your own blog for Affiliate marketing

This is another powerful free method which is proven effective for beginners and professionals. This method is all about creating your own blogA blog is a website that is maintained by an individual on posting regular content like an article, video or other material.

Blogs are considered interactive which allows visitors to leave comments or feedback about your posts. You can start creating your own blog on free portals like Blogger and Wordpress, but to get a nice looking theme so your blog looks nice and pretty it is worth buying themes but you can also do without if you are on a low budget.

You can start writing a topic about any subject that is related to your niche. For example, if your blog is all about celebrities, then you should write topics about celebrities.Do not mix off-topics in your blog because it might lose your reputation as a blogger, and you might lose readers. Once you have published your first post in the blog, you need to put Google Adsense on the sidebar, top right or between your posts.

As a publisher of your blog, you will make money with Google Adsense when a unique visitor clicks one of your ads. It depends on the advertiser’s pay-per-click rate on the ad clicked by your visitor, but I advice you not to click on your own ads.

Clicking your own ads will result for your publisher account to be disabled, and reinstatement of this process is too difficult. In order to get readers, you must go to Feedburner to setup your own RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed.

The RSS feeds publish latest or frequent posts in a standardized format, which the reader will then be updated through e-mail about them.

I also advice that you have to create at least one blog post daily for at least 4 days to a full week. But for me, at least 5 posts in a week gives me good results. If you have keywords that are related to your affiliate offer, then highlight that keyword and attach the link there.

Just like the first method, we will do the same thing which is sharing of links. Once again, we will use social media, bookmarks, forums and other relevant blogs as our traffic source. You can even use Ezine as the traffic source for your own blog in the resource box.

It can also be used on Squidoo and Hubpages as well. Anything that can get you free and legitimate traffic will potentially increase the number of readers of your blog.

Now before getting your own blog you will need to buy a domain name and hosting. I only recommend you buy a .com or .net if worst case .com is not available. Any other domain for building brand is almost useless.

If you are getting addicted to backlinks as a result of gaining more traffic to your blog, and you expect more sales to grow in your affiliate offer I suggest you use a link building program such as SEO Link Vine (What is SEO ?).

This is how blogging is considered to be another powerful method, and it is truly effective if backlinks and traffic are generated properly.

Once again, it needs a lot of work and research for the topics you need in your blog. Now we are through with this method and it’s time for us to go the next effective method for beginners.

Articles for Affliate marketing

This is one of the most powerful free methods right now. You can make money with your affiliate offers through article marketing. You are writing one or more articles in a specific product or niche and publish it to top-tier article directories like Ezine Articles. Top-tier article directories have loads of traffic daily, and they are worth for building your links there. But thaere is one problem which is not allowed on any of these article directories. They don’t allow affiliate-type links that are generated on each offer, so I suggest that you must create a simple landing page on your offer.

Landing pages are very easy to make, and you don’t need to spend money or time in creating your own websites at least when you are starting out you can start to create your own landing page on Squidoo or Hubpages.

The reason I’m recommending Squidoo and Hubpages is because both of them are very good source of traffic and backlinks.

More and more people are coming in to any of these websites to search for new and interesting topics of their niche. I suggest that you write a review or any topic that is related to your product’s niche.

Make it at least 300 to 400 words, and include widgets like polls, images, videos, etc. Squidoo and Hubpages will automatically publish your content if you have finished andsubmitted this. In terms of landing pages, Squidoo calles it as lens while Hubpages called it as Hub. Both of these websites won’t allow duplicate content, so I advice you not to copy someone’s content from other websites. Be more unique in creating your own articles on Squidoo and Hubpages that were not published elsewhere. If you are not sure of your article’s number of words, you can check it through a free online tool called Word Count Tool.

All you have to do is copy paste your content to the tool’s content box and click the “Submit” button. The result will appear in a few seconds below the tool to display the number of words.

After your landing page is ready, you need to remember the public link of your Squidoo lens or your Hub. You must use that link to promote your article published on any top-tier article directories like Ezine Articles.

I suggest that you may start with Ezine Articles before publishing them to other top-tier article directories. Once again, you need to create another unique article with at least 250 words as required. There’s a resource box below the keywords/tags box, which you may put your Squidoo and Hubpages link as source.

You have to write at least one full sentence about your landing page and to put the link in your designated keyword on your Ezine Articles resource box. It needs a little HTML knowledge from you, but it is quite easy.

Example of your resource box:

This is the HTML mode:

Get free tips, tutorials and ideas on our website at <a href=””></a>

This is the live text when previewing or published by Ezine:

Get free tips, tutorials and ideas on our website at

Without putting your HTML code as your designated keywords in your author box, your link cannot be clicked and counted as a backlink.

As a basic author of Ezine Articles  you are allowed to publish up to ten articles for now. Once all of your articles are approved by Ezine Articles,  they will raise your rank of membership to Basic Plus Author.

It will increase the number of submissions you have in Ezine Articles until you have reached the limit. They will publish your articles within 7 working days, depending on the volume of submissions. Once they are finished evaluating your submissions, they will upgrade you to a Platinum Author or they will require you to submit another batch because of grammatical mistakes and topics that are not allowed by Ezine. Being a Platinum Author allows you to submit unlimited articles and you are given a priority status that your published or edited articles will be published within a day or two (except weekends).

But that’s not all!

It is not yet enough for your published article to just stay as ease on Ezine itself. There is what we call link sharing.

We can share the links to everyone through the use of different social media and bookmarking sites. I truly suggest you must share your Ezine live link on any of the following:





As long as you spread the word to everyone about your articles, there is a chance that you might generate a commission from your product through your published article.

They will go to your landing page on Squidoo and Hubpages first before clicking the attached affiliate link there.

Your affiliate link will be tracked down by your affiliate program whether the visitor or customer purchased the product or not. It is understood that we cannot control the customers or visitors. Patience is a virtue until you get sales from someone who clicked your affiliate link. For me, I think it’s normal that we could estimate that 10 out of 100 visitors that visited your affiliate link will buy the product, just like traditional marketing.

So I think you need to continue spreading links through using different high traffic social media and bookmarking sites.

I also recommend you to share your Ezine or landing page links to:

• High traffic and relevant forums

• High traffic and relevant blogs

• High quality article directories

• High quality web directories

• High traffic social networks

This is how article marketing was one of the most powerful free methods to make money online with affiliate marketing. It needs a lot of work and research for your designated product or niche, but it will give you good benefits in return.

Anybody can do this, even if you are a beginner. Now we’re through with this method, let’s go to another free method.

And that is not all, if you want help with writing articles and make sure you use Magic Article Rewriter and Submitter

Youtube for Affliate marketing

You always watch videos on Youtube right? We all know that Youtube is the top video sharing site today! They receive millions of viewers everyday and it keeps on increasing.They also receive hundreds and thousands of new uploaded videos from different Youtube users every day. It means that this portal is truly a big potential for us to market our affiliate products on Youtube.

If you have no web or video camera, there’s no problem about it. You can create your own videos without this, toaffiliate product or offer with free software called Windows Movie Maker.For beginners, I need you to follow these steps to market your affiliate offer to Youtube with Windows Movie Maker:

  1. Search images about your product. Collect at least 5 of them or even more. Right click and save them to your folder.
  2. Open your Windows Movie Maker. There’s a menu at the left side which says “Import Pictures” under the “Capture Video” section and choose the pictures that you have downloaded from Google images.
  3. Once all of the images were included on Windows Movie Maker, you must create an introduction about your product, something very promotional. If you are not sure about that, try to watch television commercials on how they promote their product from the start to finish. Then apply it on your own video. You can start adding your promotional messages on the slideshow through clicking the “Make titles or credits” under the “Edit Movie” section.
  4. Add the images to the slideshow and if possible, create another title or credit between the images so that it will look like it’s a true advertisement. Finally, add the ending title with your link of your main landing page of the affiliate product. I also suggest that you must add video effects and transitions to make it look attractive to the viewers.
  5. When you’re finished creating the video, save it as a movie file. You must wait a little bit until the video wasconverted to WMV file. Upload it immediately to your Youtube account and you must fill all the details needed for your video. Keywords or tags of your video are very important which is effectivefor others to find your video. In your video’s description, you must include the link of your main landing page of the affiliate product. When they start watching your video and gains interest with your product, they will click your link in the description and to buy your product.
  6. Traffic! Share the link of your video to social media, bookmarks and other sites heavily. You can also attach the embed code of your video to your main landing page on Squidoo, Hubpages or your blog to gain attractiveness on your readers and viewers.
  7. Rinse and repeat with other affiliate products or offers you want to promote. The more videos you will produce and upload, the more you gain potential sales and subscribers on your Youtube account.

If in case you have your own webcam and microphone, you can download free screen capture software that will record all your actions in the computer. You can use Screenr which allows you to capture your own screen with you talking in the background for at least 5 mins. Otherwise CamStudio and ScreenHunter are some of the best free screen capture software to use, and it’s good for beginners with webcam.So what are the three powerful free methods again?
Don’t stick with just one method guys. It’s better if you apply all of them in one piece. However, all of these methods won’t work without discipline and positive attitude.

I notice that not all affiliate marketers are very successful with their careers. I don’t know if it’s true that more than 90% of the affiliate marketers failed in their career. Since I am very serious in affiliate marketing and creating new twists and turns to promote an affiliate product, I took a stance to never be in the list of failed affiliate marketers.

To tell you the truth, I have failed many times in attempting those saturated methods that were published by most bloggers who are making money online with their methods.

But it didn’t stop me from continually trying, because I’m still punching the bag for it. If an affiliate marketer fails and quits, he is a total failure. However, if an affiliate marketer fails but refuses to quit, that’s a sign of a true winner. Don’t you know that top affiliate marketers right now started with many failures in the past?

Yes of course! Everybody starts with failures of some kind, and keeps on trying until they succeed. This is why most affiliate marketers are successful because they overcome their own failures and mistakes in the past, and nowthey’re making a living on making money online with a strong and determined attitude.

Now we are through discussing about the simple and effective methods for beginners to make money online with affiliate marketing. It’s time now for me to give some tips and twists for you to experience even greater results when used in a proper

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing
If you don’t know what affiliate marketing is all about, this is your chance to know it. Affiliate marketing is a kind of marketing practice where the website business gives a reward to one or more affiliates for every sale they make for the product or system they are promoting.

Unlike any other marketing tactics, affiliate marketing pays not only per sale but also per lead as well, and as one-off commissions or continual commissions also known as continuity programs.

When it comes to affiliate marketing, these companies are using different methods in order to generate sales from their products. Some methods are virtual products such as ebooks, dvd’s, video courses, membership sites and subscription sites.

The affiliate marketing company you promote usually have a pre-launch and can offer discounts, coupons, to provide to their affiliates as well. You can take part in promoting affiliate products by promoting banners, links and even emails through various methods. I will explain these methods a little further on.

In order for you to begin your journey from scratch as an affiliate marketer, you must join at least a few legitimate affiliate programs like Clickbank, Commission Junction, ShareASale, and Amazon.

There are hundreds or even thousands of affiliate programs right now that are free to join, but don’t be fooled by those programs that are not paying affiliates well.

Choose only the programs that are already aged or are included on the top list of programs. Take note that most affiliate programs will pay you every month and they pay through mail check, bank wire transfer or any common payment processor like Paypal.

In order for you to find the best affiliate programs, all you have to do is type “Top 10 Affiliate Programs” or “Huge List of Affiliate Programs” or something related to that on Google, Yahoo or Bing.

Now that you have registered with some affiliate programs, it’s time for you to market their products and offers.

So here are some of free methods to get started

Method #1: Article Marketing
METHOD #2: Create your own blog
Method #3: Youtube Marketing

Top 10 Affiliate Programs

As we have already seen today, affiliate marketing is a relatively trouble free way for bloggers and other website owners to earn money. In fact, these days, even social media sites can become lucrative platforms for affiliate marketing campaigns.

Because affiliate marketing does not require affiliates to offer their own products or services for purchase, but only to place promotions on their sites for other merchants’ products, it frees affiliates from many of the responsibilities and complications of traditional sales models.

Affiliate programs typically work by having the merchant handle all the logistics involved in selling products or services, processing customer orders and payments, and shipping merchandise all while the affiliate sits back and collects a commission for each agreed-upon action completed by the visitors the affiliate sends to the merchant’s website via an affiliate link. As long as the affiliate has done her homework and chosen a trustworthy affiliate program, she needn’t worry about non-payment.

Affiliate networks administer programs for individual merchants, handling all the work involved, while generally providing tracking and reporting capabilities to their affiliates to help them keep tabs on their revenues and determine which products or services are producing the best returns. These tools can be helpful to an affiliate in fine-tuning the line of products she decides to promote on her site and, ideally, increasing revenues as a result.

However, all affiliate programs are not created equal. Which are the most popular programs available today?
  1. Amazon Associate- Amazon is the largest marketplace for online shopping and if you want to make money by selling or promoting products, Amazon affiliate program can help you to make thousands of dollars per month. Amazon pays very high commission on each sale and you don't need to work hard to sell any kind of Amazon product because people love to buy Amazon products. You can find every kind of product related to electronic, books, software, clothes etc on Amazon. Payments are made via Check and bank transfer.
  2. Clickbank - Clickbank is one of the biggest affiliate networks where you can find more than ten thousand merchants and 100000 affiliates. Clickbanks has thousands of affiliate programs and if you promote them, you can earn more than thousand dollars per month by working just 2-3 hours per day.
  3. Commission Junction - CJ ( Commission Junction ) is another great affiliate network where you can find thousands of targeted products. CJ offers pay per lead and pay per sale affiliate programs to web publishers. Payments are made via check and direct bank transfer. Minimum payout of CJ is $50.
  4. Neverblue- One of the best affiliate networks that has a large network of high paying advertisers. You can find here thousands of pay per lead affiliate programs which can be promoted on your blog, website or social networks. Very useful affiliate network where you can find free sponsored products such as free software or toolbars, applications , free trail sing up offers and more.
  5. Shareasale- Shareasale is one of the most popular ad networks which has more than 3000 advertisers. You can find every kind of program. Shareasale offers pay per sale, pay per lead and pay per click affiliate program that can help site owners monetizing their website with highly targeted advertisers. Payments are made via Check and direct bank transfer.
  6. Linkshare- Linkshare has over than thousand top merchants that pays very high commission. You can find here CPL and CPS products. You can also join here Apple's iTunes affiliate program to sell iPhone , iPad and Mac apps. Payments are made via Check and direct deposit. Minimum payout is only $1.
  7. Cpalead - Leading affiliate network where publishers can find hundreds of pay per lead products. Website owners can offer free toolbar, ebook , software etc by using this affiliate network.
  8. Avangate - Great affiliate network where you can find sponsored software, application , antivirus and other kinds of digital products. If you have a website based on technology, you can monetize your website by using affiliated software and applications of this affiliate network.
  9. Clickbooth- Clickbooth is one of the best places to find highly targeted affiliate programs. You can find here hundreds of pay per lead programs to monetize your blog or website. Clickbooth offers two different services for website owners which are - affiliate network and cpc ad network.
  10. Viglink- If you have a blog or website and you love to write reviews on software, ebay products, amazon products , gadget etc, you can earn thousands of dollars by using Viglink. Viglink monetizes your simple links into affiliate links. There is no minimum payout and payment can be received via PayPal.

Average CTR By Weekday

Although there’s not much that can be done to alter your CTR by weekday, I thought I’d throw this table in just because it’s interesting. Sunday seems to be the best performing day, with Friday on the bottom. Why? And why is Tuesday better than Saturday?

I have a theory–and that’s all it is, a theory, so take it with a grain of salt. Friday is low because more people are preparing for their weekend trips and activities, and so they have less time to surf the web. Saturday is low because those same people aren’t home! Sunday is high because they’re back from their activities and want to hang out at home.

Average CTR By Weekday

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