Adsense Articles

The AdSense movement is gaining momentum every day. The driving force in the Google AdSense system is Google’s AdWords ads. The AdSense program enables website owners to monetize their site and make additional income. Although Google has made it simple and easy to implement AdSense on your website, you have to spend your time and effort to develop a central theme and the supporting content-rich web pages for your website.

As an example, the central keyword theme of your website might be “fishing.” Each associated web page that supports the central theme would a a single unique keyword theme like fishing lures, fishing rods, fishing reels and so forth. Google use proprietary algorithms to determine the content theme on each page of your web site with an AdSense box. As a result, each web page, with an AdSense display box, must have interesting and informative content for your website visitor. Google will determine the keyword theme from the content and display AdWords ads in the AdSense box that are relevant to the web page keyword theme.

You are paid a portion of the fee paid by the advertiser to Google when a visitor clicks on an AdSense ad. It is possible for a web site to make significant money with the AdSense program if they have a high-quality and focused web site with a lot of targeted traffic The articles in this report cover all the significant areas of the AdSense program. I believe you will find the information in this report packed with valuable insights that you can use to start making money with the AdSense program.
As a fellow AdSense marketer, I know the joy of opening your account in the morning and seeing a big $100+ day with amazing CTR and a few $4-5 clicks. There is a certain “I just defeated Google” feeling of accomplishment that you get when you see a big AdSense check in your mailbox. Mastering Google AdSense, in my perfectly honest and humble opinion, is one of the best feelings you can get as an internet marketer. No other form of marketing - be it Clickbank, Amazon, or CPA - can come close to it.

I regularly make strong paydays promoting Clickbank products. I am something of a CPA newbie, but it’s a method that has been quite lucrative for me in the limited time I have pursued it. However, despite my ability to profit from sources other than AdSense, I find myself dedicating more and more time to building out AdSense sites and increasing my monthly income. Perhaps it is the sheer simplicity of the method – put up a website, get clicks,make money – that makes it so addictive. All I can say is: AdSense is my favorite money making method.

When I started out with AdSense, I struggled a lot to make some money. My background is in domaining. I know the domain industry inside out, but I had virtually zero knowledge about internet marketing, or even making a site.

I must have spent close to 3-4 months trying to learn HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP (I could only progress until CSS. Web programmers – my salute to you; you guys do a wonderful job mastering a difficult subject). I somehow thought that you had to know these languages to make a website (this was before I knew what Wordpress or Joomla were). I also spent a good month trying to comprehend Adobe Photoshop, and I still honestly can’t figure out how to use that damn lasso tool ;) To cut a long story short, for a complete internet marketing newbie like me, AdSense was the simplest, easiest way to make money. You don’t have to deal with sales letters, fancy graphics, ad copy, joint ventures, or list building. The beauty of AdSense is its simplicity: you just need to get traffic to make money.

As a domainer, I had plenty of domains with good traffic. So, I put up some Wordpress blogs, wrote some articles and stuck my AdSense code “above the fold” as Google recommends, and expected to see a nice, fat paycheck from Google.

Of course, that didn’t happen.
Like so many marketers, I had just one half of the equation right: Taffic.
The other half, “Conversions” was completely missing.
After all, Traffic + Conversions = Profits.
I had plenty of the former. The latter, however, stood at a dismal 0.5%
What did a 0.5% CTR imply?
It meant that for every 1000 visitors who came to my site, only five of them clicked an ad. If you think about it the other way, 995 people came to my website and left without benefiting me at all.
I knew that it was possible to make a lot, lot more money from AdSense if I could increase the CTR. As a domainer, I dealt with increasing CTR on a daily basis it is the very foundation of domain parking. I now just had to find a way to increase my CTR with AdSense.

So I tried and tried. I must have spent a good $500 trying out various themes and templates. I have full membership to pretty much every premium Wordpress themes provider WooThemes, StudioPress, ElegantThemes,DIYThemes. In my experiences as a domainer, I had learned that the right template and color combo can mean the difference between a 5% and a 50% CTR. I was determined to find the right template and color combination that
would give me at least a 5% CTR with AdSense. After reading pretty much every resource imaginable on this subject, I accidentally stumbled upon a template that gave me a high CTR of 5% consistently. So I purchased a copy of Artisteer (a wonderful software that helps you to make your own Wordpress themes) and set about improving this template until I got a constant 10% CTR.
Today, I can confidently say that no matter what site I launch, I WILL get a high AdSense CTR. Knowing this has completely changed the way I approach different markets. Instead of going after huge traffic, I know I can make a profit even with low traffic in a high paying niche – just because I have a high CTR.

I am going to ask you to unlearn a lot of things you may have picked up about AdSense conversions. A lot of AdSense gurus simply rehash what Google has to say (“keep the ads above the fold”, “provide a good user experience”). I am going to tell you some secrets that won’t win you usability or design awards, but WILL put money in your AdSense account, no matter your niche.

WARNING: None of the methods outlined here will get your AdSense account banned if you use them on a white hat, high quality site. If you use these methods on a low quality, Made For AdSense site, your account may get banned.

High CTR automatically invites scrutiny by Google. If they make a visit and find a high quality site, you stand no chance of getting banned. But if you have a high CTR on a low quality, MFA site with dubious sources of traffic, you may very well get banned 
Do not use these methods on black hat, low quality, or MFA sites! Finally, I would like to state upfront that I cannot guarantee you will get a high AdSense CTR. There are several elements that determine your CTR, and your layout is just one of them. Don’t think that just changing the layout will magically transform a lousy MFA site into a rock star performer, nor will changing the layout increase your traffic tenfold. What I am going to share here are methods that have worked for me as well as a number of other marketers in a wide variety of niches. Your results may vary.
How ever my content of Adsense articles are as follows

1.      What Is AdSense?
2.      How AdSense works
7.      Rules of AdSense
8.      AdSense for Search
3.How to increase Adsense CRT

3.      Top 10 Url Color
4.      Top 10 Border Colors
6.      Top 5 Text Colors
4.Maximize Adsense revenue


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