Earn Interest In Forex

The currency market is designed to facilitate the trade of money between two parties interested in actually delivering the currency being traded. The contracts traded on the spot market are designed to settle within two business days. Since most currency trades are speculative and traders do not want an armored car full of money to show up at their house, currency dealers automatically expire open positions and roll their settlement date forward two more business days. This process, known as the rollover, takes place at the end of each trading day, around 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time. Avoiding settlement is just one benefit; the rollover process also settles interest payments to your account, depending on your open positions. Earning interest for simply holding a position open is a benefit of trading money. Each currency pair has an associated cost-of-carry premium, which is either positive to your account or negative, depending on whether you are long or short. The premium is determined roughly from the central bank rates in the currency’s home country. For example, if you are long AUD/USD while the central bank rate in Australia is 3.5 percent and the central bank rate in the United States is 0.25 percent, you should expect to be paid some of the difference between these two interest rates as calculated on the total size of your open trade. If you were short AUD/USD in this example, you should expect the difference to be debited to your account. There are some variables that affect the actual interest payment paid or charged to your account.

The actual interest rate used to calculate carry premiums is the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). This short-term interest rate is a benchmark rate maintained on 10 currencies by the British Bankers Association (BBA). The rates are determined through a survey process conducted by the BBA of 8 to 16 contributing banks per currency. The survey determines the lowest average rate at which banks are willing to borrow funds overnight and performs a calculation on that data to determine the LIBOR. The difference in LIBOR rates between two currencies determines the base cost of carry for your open position in the forex market. If you are interested in the specific details of how LIBOR is calculated, I recommend you visit the LIBOR web site at www.bbalibor.com.

Let’s look at an example to understand how the carry premium is calculated using the LIBOR during the nightly rollover.

Assume that you have bought 100,000 units of GBP/USD. In this trade you are buying the British pound and selling the U.S. dollar. If the LIBOR for GBP is 2.4775 percent and the LIBOR for USD is 2.07 percent, the difference between the two currencies is 0.4075 percent. The difference is multiplied by your total position size, in this case, 100,000 × 0.004075, which equals 407.5 units of currency. LIBOR rates are annual yields; therefore, 407.5 represents the annual yield. Divide 407.5 by 360 days to determine the nightly interest premium, which is 1.13 units of currency. If the base currency in your trade is different than the currency your account is funded in, you must also multiply the interest payment by the currency exchange rate to convert the interest payment to your account’s currency. The current GBP/USD exchange rate is $1.5928. The final calculation to convert 1.13 to dollars is 1.13 × 1.5928, which equals a final nightly premium of 1.79 units of currency.

The amount actually charged or credited to your position may vary by broker because many brokers derive income from the overnight swap payments before passing those rates on to you. Brokers routinely publish their swap rates for each currency and typically post them on their web sites. Traders should be aware of these rates and understand that holding a position against the carry could cause them to pay significant interest if they plan to hold the position open for a long period of time. Finally, traders should be aware that on Wednesdays the interest premium is triple the normal amount. This accounts for positions that are set to be settled on Saturdays or Sundays, when the market is essentially closed, by setting their valuation date to Mondays.

Understanding Currency Quotes of Forex

In the forex market, all price quotes are represented by two prices, known as the bid price and the ask price. Both the bid price and ask price represent the exchange rate of the base currency pair against the quoted pair, except they serve two different functions. The bid price indicates the price at which your currency dealer is willing to buy the base currency from you in exchange for the quoted currency. 

The ask price indicates the price at which your currency dealer is willing to sell you the base pair in exchange for the quoted currency. There is always a difference between the bid price and the ask price; this difference is known as the spread. The spread is usually less than five pips on major currency pairs. Cross-currency pairs such as GBP/JPY may have much higher spreads. The spread is the way a currency dealer earns money for executing a trade. Figure 1.2 shows the difference between the bid and ask prices offered in the forex market. The difference between the two prices is known as the spread.

Figure 1.2

Using the prices quoted in Figure 1.2, if a trader wanted to buy EUR/USD, his currency dealer would sell it to him using the ask price of $1.4002. To sell the position at least at breakeven, the trader needs the bid price to move up two pips, to $1.4002. Alternatively, if a trader wanted to sell the EUR/USD, the currency dealer would sell it to him at the bid price of $1.4000 and the trader would need the market to fall by two pips before he could sell it at the ask price for a breakeven trade. The two-pip spread in this EUR/USD example is the cost of doing business with this currency dealer.

Long versus Short in forex

The terms long and short simply refer to the position a trader has taken with a trade the trader has either bought or sold it.

The term long simply means that you have bought the currency; the term short means you have sold it. For example, if a trader decides to buy GBP/USD, it means she has gone long British pounds and short U.S. dollars because she has bought the GBP and sold the USD.

What Is a Pip in Forex ?

The term pip is an acronym for percentage in points and is used to measure the change in exchange rates on the forex market. 

A single pip represents the smallest possible decimal change a currency quote may move, and it is the standard on which profit and loss are calculated. Currencies are quoted in decimal format to 1/1,000th of a percent unless the currency pair contains the Japanese yen. Currencies quoted against the Japanese yen are in decimal format to 1/100th of a percent. Using a quote for GBP/USD as an example, a change in price from $1.5600 to $1.5650 represents a change of 50 pips.

Trade Mechanics of Forex 02

Currency Lots
Currencies are traded in standard lot sizes to facilitate efficient trading on the forex market. The standard retail lot is 100,000 units of the base currency. Most currency dealers offer 10,000-unit mini lots and 1,000-unit micro lots. Some currency dealers offer a 100-unit nano lot. Positions can be sized larger by purchasing multiple lots. Fortunately, you don’t actually need $100,000 in your trading account to buy a single standard currency lot. Currency dealers offer various levels of leverage, allowing you to control full-sized lots with significantly less capital in your account. We discuss margin and leverage later in this title.

How a Currency Trade Works
The way a currency is simultaneously bought and sold during a trade is confusing for many new traders, so an example will help clarify what happens under the hood of a currency trade. 

Assume for a minute that you are interested in buying the British pound against the U.S. dollar, which is listed as GBP/USD in your trading software. The base pair is the British pound; the quoted pair is the U.S. dollar. If the quoted exchange rate is $1.59 and you are trading one standard lot of currency, it will require 159,000 dollars to buy one British pound, or it will require selling 100,000 pounds to buy 159,000 dollars. 

Since we are interested in buying the pound, we want the exchange rate to increase, allowing us to sell our pounds at a higher rate for more dollars than we sold to buy the original 100,000 pounds. As an

example, Table 1.5 illustrates how a currency trader realizes a profit or a loss using a single standard lot GBP/USD currency trade. 

What Is a Pip?
Long versus Short
Understanding Currency quotes of Forex

Trade Mechanics of Forex 01

Trading currency is a process of exchanging one currency for another, so each currency trade is actually two transactions happening at the same time. One currency is bought while the other is sold. The forex market quotes prices as currency pairs to facilitate the ease of trading one currency for another. The quote of a currency pair represents the number of units of one currency that are required to buy or sell the equivalent amount of the other, based on the given exchange rate. 

For example, if the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Canadian dollar is $1.12, a trader may purchase 1.12 Canadian dollars for every one U.S. dollar, or she can buy one dollar for every 1.12 Canadian dollars. Your goal as a currency trader is to hold the currency you believe will gain value against the other currency quoted in the pair. It really is as simple as that.

Currency Pairs
Each currency pair is made up of two parts: the base currency and the quote currency. For example, the U.S. dollar/Canadian dollar example we just discussed is paired as USD/CAD. The base currency is always to the left of the slash (/) mark; the quoted currency is always to the right of 

the slash. It is the direction of the base currency you consider when deciding whether to buy a currency pair or sell it. If you believe the base currency will appreciate against the quoted currency, you will buy the currency pair. If you believe the base currency will depreciate against the quoted currency, you will sell the currency pair. This is an important distinction for new traders to remember because it is easy to buy by accident when you meant to sell. Currency pairs offered on the forex market are constructed using currency from both developed and emerging markets.

Table 1.4 lists the most common currencies, their countries, and their International Standards Organization (ISO) codes used in the forex market to construct currency pairs. 

Major Pairs Major currency pairs are created by pairing currencies from countries with highly developed economies and financial systems. Major currency pairs are the most liquid and heavily traded currency pairs on the forex market. Currencies among the majors include the euro, U.S. dollar, British pound, Swiss franc, Japanese yen, Australian dollar, and Canadian dollar.

Cross-Pairs Some currencies are not directly quoted against each other; rather, they are synthetically traded by combining two different pairs. These pairs, known as cross-pairs, include currency pairs such as GBP/JPY, EUR/JPY, EUR/CHF, and GBP/CHF. When a trader executes a trade to buy GBP/JPY, the trade is really constructed by buying GBP/USD and selling USD/JPY. The dollar component of this trade is equaled out and the trader ends up long GBP and short JPY. Because these pairs are constructed with two different currency pairs, the spread or cost to trade a cross-pair is significantly more than a typical major currency pair, such as EUR/USD.

Trade Mechanics of Forex 02

What are Forex Roots

I do believe it is important to have some knowledge of the market’s history, so this section covers the key points. If you have never studied global monetary systems, consider this section an abridged history of the forex market. The modern forex market’s roots began with over-the-counter currency trading desks established by banks throughout the 1970s and 1980s, following the collapse of a postwar-era monetary system known as the Bretton Woods system. Bretton Woods was established in June 1944, as World War II came to a close. The Allied nations sought to establish a new monetary system to promote global investment and capitalism and to eliminate the challenges of a gold standard system. 

Under the Bretton Woods monetary system, member nations agreed to value their currency at parity to gold ±1 percent and then set their exchange rate against the U.S. dollar. In exchange, the United States agreed to peg the dollar against a gold standard of $35 per ounce and guarantee its exchange for gold. This promise by the U.S. government effectively made the dollar a global payment standard instead of using a gold standard. The phrase “good as gold” was frequently used to describe the U.S. dollar under the Bretton Woods monetary system. Although the system worked to foster investment and capitalism, it also encouraged a tremendous outflow of dollars into overseas currency reserves. 

The world needed dollars to support a global payment system based on the dollar, and the United States was content printing more money. The United States assumed it could balance the deficit with trade. Unfortunately, the outflow of capital finally caught up to the Unites States in 1950 and the country began posting a negative balance of payments, despite the government’s best efforts to increase trade.

As inflationary concerns loomed on the horizon, the United States found itself in a difficult position. Failing to supply the global demand for dollars would bring the monetary system to its knees, whereas continuing to print money would eventually threaten to devalue the dollar. Confidence in the U.S. government’s ability to maintain a gold match standard for the dollar began to wane, and speculation grew that a serious devaluation in the world’s primary reserve currency was inevitable. 

In August 1971, President Richard Nixon finally intervened by suspending the peg dollar had against gold. The Bretton Woods era of a fixed exchange rate system was over. Policy steps were taken to implement a floating exchange rate system, which is the cornerstone of today’s modern forex market. In the 1970s trading desks were established among major banking institutions to facilitate currency transactions for major clients. This private trading arrangement was known as the interbank, a term still used today to describe the electronic trading arrangements among major banks, institutions, and currency dealers. Today prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand within the forex market, allowing traders to capitalize on small swings between the exchange rates of two currencies.

What is Forex ?

The currency market, or more specifically the forex (Introduction to forex) market, derives its name from the generic term foreign exchange market. The forex market is a decentralized global network of trading partners, including banks, public and private institutions, retail dealers, speculators, and central banks involved in the business of buying and selling money. The forex market is a spot market, which means that it trades at the current market price as determined by supply and demand within the marketplace. 

This differs from currency futures traded on the commodity exchange in the United States, which trades a contract price for delivery in the future. In the spot market you are trading cash for cash at the current market price.
The forex market is the largest, fastest-growing financial marketplace in the world. Every trading day the forex market handles a transaction volume of nearly $3.2 trillion, according to a survey done by the Triennial Central Bank in 2007. 

To put that figure in perspective, the average daily volume on the forex market is nearly 20 times larger than on the New York Stock Exchange. The need for foreign exchange is driven by travelers, multinational corporations, and governments. Tourists from the United States need euros for their European vacations; corporations such as Microsoft exchange profits made overseas into U.S. dollars. Governments hold reserve currencies and manipulate the money supply while they implement their monetary policies.

The forex market was created to facilitate the sale of currency to customers who intend to take delivery of the currency; however, the vast majority of trading is done by speculators seeking nothing more than profit.

How to display relevant ads in Google AdSense

Google AdSense works by displaying ads relevant to a page. So to get more relevant ads, Google AdSense crawler crawls your site and extract keywords from the pages it visit. When a visitor visits a page on your web or blog site, Google will serve ads based on the extracted keywords. Therefore, it's important for Google AdSense crawler to get the right keyword from your page, If it doesn't, it will either display irrelevant ads or worst, PSAs or Public Service Avertisements. Irrelevant ads gets less click from your site's visitors, and PSAs don't pay at all.

Keyword targeting for Google AdSense in a sense is similar to keyword targeting in SEO or Search Engine optimization, with some unique targeting features of its own.

Page Content
Content of your page is where most of the keywords would come from. Try to repeat keywords that you want to target, but don't overdo it as it'll be unnatural to your site's visitors and would just drive them away. Even worse, you could be tagged for keyword spamming by Google.

Site title
Site title should be definitive. Using Page 1, Untitled, or anything similar doesn't has any keywords that could help you serve relevant AdSense ads. If your page is about AdSense, remember to have AdSense somewhere in the title.

AdSense crawler doesn't crawl images, but they sure can read your <img> tags. Use meaningful name for your image, and be sure to include meaningful description, or alt text to your image as well.

Interest based advertising
Google by default serve ads based on your visitor's browsing history in what they call as interest based advertising. This aims to serve more targeted ads for AdSense, but it can give adverse effect, depending the nature of your site.

Section Targeting
Section targeting is an AdSense feature that allows you to emphasize certain part of your page in keywords targeting. You can also use section targeting to ignore certain section of your page such as the sidebars or the footer.

Meta tags
Meta tags are some information inserted in the <head> area of your site. It's not visible in page when rendered by web browsers, but is useful for robots crawling your site. While the meta tags are no longer used for SEO, it's still applicable in targeting your site for more relevant AdSense ads.

The 2 meta tags you can use for targeting is the keywords and description tags. You can enter keywords relevant to the page in both meta tags, though the description should be in more human-readable form.
<meta name=”keywords” content=”keyword1 keyword2“>
<meta name=”description” content=”Description of your site“>
Click here for latest highest paying keywords

Competitive Ad Filter
If you have implemented all the above tips but there are still some ads that you don't want to appear in you page, you can just use the Competitive Ad Filter feature.

Top 10 places to put adsense ads in your Blogger

In this article I'm going to teach the most common places where we can place AdSense ads in your blogger site. Here I mention how to put AdSense ads in different places of the blogger such as sidebar of your blog, Between your blog post, Under your blog header, Under your blog title, Under blog post footer, In the body of the post etc. If you like to learn amerzing tricks for blogger read these articles also.read

01 How to Put AdSense ads in Sidebar
You can put AdSense code in sidebar in a very easy way. 
  1. Go to you Layout the click on Add a Gadget link.
  2. After add a Gadget link add an HTML/JavaScript widget with your ad code inside it.
Format: Recommended format 125x120, 120x600, 160x600, 300x600
02 How to Put AdSense ads between post
You can add AdSense ads between your blog post. In this case go to your Layout option and then Click Edit from below the blog post section.After Click on Edit, you have to check mark "Show Ads Between Posts option"
Format: Here you can change your ad unit format such as such as 468x60, 300x250, 336x 280 and color from given drop down list.
03 Put AdSense ads under the header
You can put your AdSense code under header by following method. At firs you have to convert your AdSense ad code.

Folow below steps
  1. Go to your blogger Dashboard 
  2. Click on Template. 
  3. Here you need to click on Edit Html button.
  4. Press Ctrl+F key for finding the following code inside it.
  5. <div id='header-wrapper'> 
  6. Next paste the converted code right after above mention code.

Format: Recommended format 728x90 and 728x15
04 Put AdSense ads above the blog post
After converted the AdSense ad code find
<div id='main-wrapper'> 
Next, Paste the converted code right after above mention code.
Format: 460x68, 468x15, 336x280
05 Ads below post title

This method will be visible in all pages and Post. After converted AdSense code

  1. Go to your Dashboard 
  2. Select Template tag and then go to Edit html.
  3. Find the following code by using CTRL+F key
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
Now put your converted code right after it.
Format: 468x68, 468x15
06 Ads below post title in blogger which will be visible only posts

After converted ad code

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Then Template and Edit HTML
  3. Search the following code in HTML code

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
Past here converted ad code.Example:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<!-- Add here the code of your ad -->
Format: 468x68 and 468x15
07 How to Puts Adsense Ads in the Blogger Post footer
After converted AdSense ad code 
  1. Go to Dashboard 
  2. Then Template> Edit html
  3. Search the following code using Ctrl+f
<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/> 
Now paste your converted ad code right after it.

Format: 468x68, 468x15
08 Put Adsense ads in blogger posts body which will be visible on all pages

ad on post body

After Converting your AdSense Ads code and then Search the following code

<div class='post-body entry-content'>

Paste the converted code by following process

<div style='float:right'>
<!-- Add here the code of your ad -->

Format: 125x125, 180x150, 120x240, 200x200
09 Put Adsense in blogger post body which will be visible on post page Only
Convert Ads code and then go to Edit HTML option and search the following code

<div class='post-body entry-content'>

Paste your Ads code such as follows

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

<div style='float:right'>
<!-- Add here the code of your ad -->

Format: 125x125, 180x150, 120x240, 200x200
10 How to put Adsense ads Between post and comment in Blogger
ad between post and comment
Convert your Ads code and the search the following code


<b:includable id='postQuickEdit' var='post'>

Paste the converted ads code just above it

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<!-- Add here the code of your ad -->

Format: 468x60, 300x250, 336x280
Place Adsense Ads in Blogger footer
ad in blog footer
Convert ad code and search the following code

<div id='footer-wrapper'>

Paste the converted code right after it

Format: 728x90 and 728x15

How a Currency Trade Works

The way a currency is simultaneously bought and sold during a trade is confusing for many new traders, so an example will help clarify what happens under the hood of a currency trade. Assume for a minute that you are interested in buying the British pound against the U.S. dollar, which is listed as GBP/USD in your trading software. The base pair is the British pound; the quoted pair is the U.S. dollar. If the quoted exchange rate is $1.59 and you are trading one standard lot of currency, it will require 159,000 dollars to buy one British pound, or it will require selling 100,000 pounds to buy 159,000 dollars. 
Since we are interested in buying the pound, we want the exchange rate to increase, allowing us to sell our pounds at a higher rate for more dollars than we sold to buy the original 100,000 pounds. As an example, Table 1.5 illustrates how a currency trader realizes a profit or a loss using a single standard lot GBP/USD currency trade.

What is currency pairs of Forex

Each currency pair is made up of two parts: the base currency and the quote currency. For example, the U.S. dollar/Canadian dollar example we just discussed is paired as USD/CAD. The base currency is always to the left of the slash (/) mark; the quoted currency is always to the right of the slash. It is the direction of the base currency you consider when deciding whether to buy a currency pair or sell it. If you believe the base currency will appreciate against the quoted currency, you will buy the currency pair. If you believe the base currency will depreciate against the quoted currency, you will sell the currency pair. This is an important distinction for new traders to remember because it is easy to buy by accident when you meant to sell. Currency pairs offered on the forex market are constructed using currency from both developed and emerging markets.
Table 1.4 lists the most common currencies, their countries, and their International Standards Organization (ISO) codes used in the forex market to construct currency pairs.
Major Pairs Major currency pairs are created by pairing currencies from countries with highly developed economies and financial systems. Major currency pairs are the most liquid and heavily traded currency pairs on the forex market. Currencies among the majors include the euro, U.S. dollar, British pound, Swiss franc, Japanese yen, Australian dollar, and Canadian dollar.

Cross-Pairs Some currencies are not directly quoted against each other; rather, they are synthetically traded by combining two different pairs. These pairs, known as cross-pairs, include currency pairs such as GBP/JPY, EUR/JPY, EUR/CHF, and GBP/CHF. When a trader executes a trade to buy GBP/JPY, the trade is really constructed by buying GBP/USD and selling USD/JPY. The dollar component of this trade is equaled out and the trader ends up long GBP and short JPY. Because these pairs are constructed with two different currency pairs, the spread or cost to trade a cross-pair is significantly more than a typical major currency pair, such as EUR/USD.
Currency Lots
Currencies are traded in standard lot sizes to facilitate efficient trading on the forex market. The standard retail lot is 100,000 units of the base currency. Most currency dealers offer 10,000-unit mini lots and 1,000-unit micro lots. 
Some currency dealers offer a 100-unit nano lot. Positions can be sized larger by purchasing multiple lots. Fortunately, you don’t actually need $100,000 in your trading account to buy a single standard currency lot. Currency dealers offer various levels of leverage, allowing you to control full-sized lots with significantly less capital in your account. We discuss margin and leverage later in this lesson.

Forex trade machanics

Trading currency is a process of exchanging one currency for another, so each currency trade is actually two transactions happening at the same time. One currency is bought while the other is sold. The forex market quotes prices as currency pairs to facilitate the ease of trading one currency for another. The quote of a currency pair represents the number of units of one currency that are required to buy or sell the equivalent amount of the other, based on the given exchange rate. For example, if the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Canadian dollar is $1.12, a trader may purchase 1.12 Canadian dollars for every one U.S. dollar, or she can buy one dollar for every 1.12 Canadian dollars. Your goal as a currency trader is to hold the currency you believe will gain value against the other currency quoted in the pair. It really is as simple as that.

Forex Versus Exchange Markets

The forex market is not structured like a traditional exchange market such as the New York Stock Exchange or the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Forex is a decentralized global marketplace where trades are cleared one on one between trading partners. There is no central exchange, no pit full of yelling traders, no big board of quotes on a New York street, and no closing bell to ring. The pros and cons of an exchange-based market versus off-exchange currency trading are debatable, but there are obvious differences you should understand before trading in the forex market. 

No Transparency 
One clear advantage of an exchange-based market over off-exchange currency trading is the transparency the exchange offers traders about the market. Exchanges clear every trade through a central exchange, allowing them to provide traders with a wealth of information about the market activity. Common tools such as order flow and volume data are displayed on trader’s charts, allowing them to gauge the strength or weakness of price moves throughout the trading day. Because the forex market is decentralized, there is little data available on market activity. Market makers and retail dealers typically do not share their order flow data, and those that do only represent their trading desk activity and not the forex market at large. Volume is another popular indicator used by stock and commodity traders on exchange markets that is unavailable in the forex market because there is no central exchange on which to measure volume. Currency traders must learn on their own to read price action through their charts, without the aid of exchange-based indicators. 

Little Regulation 
The forex market has been known as the “Wild West” of financial markets due to the lack of regulatory oversight. The global nature of the forex market presents a problem for local government agencies to police trading activity around the world. Currently there are no regulatory requirements for an institution to establish itself as an interbank participant; however, any reputable retail currency dealer will register voluntarily with thelocal regulatory agencies. We already pointed out the CFTC has new regulatory authority over the off-exchange retail currency market through the 2009 Farm Bill. As I write this, the CFTC is proposing new regulations that would require all dealers to register as members of the NFA. 

In the United States, the National Futures Association (NFA) has begun implementing rules designed to protect currency traders, although some of its recent decisions have been met with skepticism. In 2009, the NFA banned a practice known as hedging, which allowed a currency trader to maintain opposite positions in the same currency pair, and implemented order execution rules, forcing changes in some dealers’ trading platforms. Although the rules are designed to make trading operate closer to the futures and equity markets, some traders resent the presence of regulators making changes to a market that has been self-regulated since its creation. 

No Trading Restrictions 
Freedom to trade in whichever direction you see fit at any time you see fit is a key feature of the forex market. For years the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) enforced a rule against short-selling stocks known as the uptick rule. The uptick rule attempted to prevent speculators from intentionally driving down the value of a stock with relentless short selling. 

Under the uptick rule a trader could only sell a stock if the current price was above the sale price, or on an “uptick.” Once a stock was falling, traders could not sell the stock again until the next uptick. Although the uptick rule was suspended in June 2007, there have been plenty of calls to reinstate it following the relentless stock market selling in 2008 and 2009. The forex market has no restrictions on trading. If you believe the euro will fall against the dollar, you can sell it without restrictions. Currency traders are able to move in and out of positions freely, without an uptick rule or other regulatory restrictions. Having no restrictions on trading can also be a negative factor of the forex market. 

Since the market is unregulated and there are no restrictions on trading activity, the environment for manipulation exists. An extreme example of manipulation is the intervention by central banks. Intervention is a process of buying or selling tremendous amounts of currency to manipulate the exchange rate. The Bank of Japan has a history of intervening in the yen when its central bankers are displeased with the exchange rate. Manipulation can take many forms, from intervention to requoting a trader’s order to favor the dealer’s books. You should be aware of the risks involved with trading off-exchange in the spot market before you commit any live money to a trade. It’s called the Wild West of trading for good reason. 

Contract Flexibility 
Trading on exchange-based markets and the forex market is conducted in standard contract or lot sizes. Unlike the exchange-based market, the forex market doesn’t set restrictions on the size of a single contract. Theoretically you could place a single trade worth $1,384,284,927,944.01, assuming that you can find someone able and willing to take the other side of your trade—Dr. Evil, perhaps? Currency dealers on the retail market have carved up a standard $1 million interbank lot into three smaller lot sizes accessible to smaller retail traders, known as standard lots, mini lots, and micro lots. Standard lots on the retail side of the currency market are equal to 100,000 units of the base currency. 

Mini lots are equal to 10,000 units of the base currency; micro lots are equal to 1,000 units of the base currency. Some currency dealers even offer trades in single units, allowing a trader to place an order for 13,428 units rather than a conventional lot size. This gives the trader very precise position sizing capability that’s unavailable in traditional exchange-based markets. A unit might be a single dollar, euro, yen, or whatever the denomination of your account. For example, a trade of 10,000 units is synonymous with a $10,000 position if your account is denominated in U.S. dollars. 

Micro accounts offer new traders the ability to trade real money without placing a tremendous amount of money at risk. Typically a micro account measures profit and loss in terms of a single dollar per pip or even less, depending on the margin requirement deployed. These small lots are a great place for a new trader to cut his teeth on live money trading once he has demonstrated he can trade profitably on a demo account. They are also useful accounts for testing theories with a live money account. I keep a micro account with less than $1,000 in it for testing strategies on live markets with live money. Overall, micro accounts are a great option to get started with, even if you have $100,000. 

Transaction Costs 
Currency dealers heavily advertise that there are no commissions for trading currency, but that doesn’t mean the forex market is cheap to trade. Currency dealers earn their money through the spread, which is the difference between the price at which a dealer will sell a currency and the price at which the dealer is willing to buy it back. For most major currency pairs, the spread is very small, but the costs associated with that spread vary depending on the margin and leverage your account has used. You’ll learn more about currency pricing shortly, but for now understand that the transaction costs of trading currency on the forex marketcan be significant. For traders who trade frequently, transaction costs can be a significant amount of money to overcome to reach profitability.

Fortunately the forex market is a fast-moving one, and once you clear the price of the spread there are no further transaction costs. The more interbank trading partners a currency dealer has, the better that dealer’s pricing will be. Dealers with more than one or two interbank partners are able to take advantage of more quotes and pass them on to you.

Table 1.2 illustrates the difference in transaction costs for trading 10 different contracts across various market types. Although there is no commission, the forex market is certainly not a cheap market to trade. These prices were taken from the published commissions of a major broker’s web site. The cost of the currency spread assumes a euro/U.S. dollar transaction using leverage of 100:1. 

Trading Hours 
The forex market is a global marketplace and trades 24 hours a day, five days a week. This around-the-clock trading environment is not unique to the forex market but certainly does make it easier to manage trades around a schedule that fits your lifestyle rather than certain market hours. In the United States the forex market begins trading Sunday evening as Asian markets open for business and continues to trade until the New York markets close on Friday afternoon. 

However, just because the market is open 24 hours a day doesn’t necessarily mean anything interesting is happening. There are three major trading sessions that account for the majority of volume seen throughout the trading day. The largest trading session by volume is the London session. London is uniquely positioned in a time zone that’s open for business during work hours stretching from Dubai to New York. The London trading session accounts for the most price action and volume in the forex market by a long shot. New York follows London as the second largest trading session; Tokyo, or the Asian trading session, rounds out the top three.

Table 1.3 lists the three major trading sessions in the forex market and the times during which they are active. The times are listed in Eastern Standard Time.
Many trading strategies depend on the activity seen during the highervolume trading sessions. For many traders who work at day jobs, it is impractical to trade during a trading session that happens while they sleep or are at work. This book focuses on placing trades around supply and demand levels during the quiet times of the market, around your schedule. It is better to plan and enter long-term trades during the quiet hours of the market and leave the trading sessions to day traders who enjoy staring at charts all day.

Forex Roots

The roots of our modern forex market are an interesting topic that has been covered ad nauseum by other trading books; however, I do believe it is important to have some knowledge of the market’s history, so this section covers the key points. If you have never studied global monetary systems, consider this section an abridged history of the forex market. 
The modern forex market’s roots began with over-the-counter currency trading desks established by banks throughout the 1970s and 1980s, following the collapse of a postwar-era monetary system known as the Bretton Woods system. Bretton Woods was established in June 1944, as World War II came to a close. The Allied nations sought to establish a new monetary system to promote global investment and capitalism and to eliminate the challenges of a gold standard system.

Under the Bretton Woods monetary system, member nations agreed to value their currency at parity to gold ±1 percent and then set their exchange rate against the U.S. dollar. In exchange, the United States agreed to peg the dollar against a gold standard of $35 per ounce and guarantee its exchange for gold. This promise by the U.S. government effectively made the dollar a global payment standard instead of using a gold standard. 
The phrase “good as gold” was frequently used to describe the U.S. dollar under the Bretton Woods monetary system. Although the system worked to foster investment and capitalism, it also encouraged a tremendous outflow of dollars into overseas currency reserves. The world needed dollars to support a global payment system based on the dollar, and the United States was content printing more money. The United States assumed it could balance the deficit with trade. Unfortunately, the outflow of capital finally caught up to the Unites States in 1950 and the country began posting a negative balance of payments, despite the government’s best efforts to increase trade.

As inflationary concerns loomed on the horizon, the United States found itself in a difficult position. Failing to supply the global demand for dollars would bring the monetary system to its knees, whereas continuing to print money would eventually threaten to devalue the dollar. Confidence in the U.S. government’s ability to maintain a gold match standard for the dollar began to wane, and speculation grew that a serious devaluation in the world’s primary reserve currency was inevitable.

In August 1971, President Richard Nixon finally intervened by suspending the peg dollar had against gold. The Bretton Woods era of a fixed exchange rate system was over. Policy steps were taken to implement a floating exchange rate system, which is the cornerstone of today’s modern forex market. In the 1970s trading desks were established among major banking institutions to facilitate currency transactions for major clients.

This private trading arrangement was known as the interbank, a term still used today to describe the electronic trading arrangements among major banks, institutions, and currency dealers. Today prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand within the forex market, allowing traders to capitalize on small swings between the exchange rates of two currencies.

What is Forex

The currency market, or more specifically the forex market, derives its name from the generic term foreign exchange market. The forex market is a decentralized global network of trading partners, including banks, public and private institutions, retail dealers, speculators, and central banks involved in the business of buying and selling money. The forex market is a spot market, which means that it trades at the current market price as determined by supply and demand within the marketplace. This differs from currency futures traded on the commodity exchange in the United States,which trades a contract price for  delivery in the future. In the spot market you are trading cash for cash at the current market price.

The forex market is the largest, fastest-growing financial marketplace in the world. Every trading day the forex market handles a transaction volume of nearly $3.2 trillion, according to a survey done by the Triennial Central Bank in 2007. To put that figure in perspective, the average daily volume on the forex market is nearly 20 times larger than on the New York Stock Exchange. The need for foreign exchange is driven by travelers, multinational corporations, and governments. Tourists from the United States need euros for their European vacations; corporations such as Microsoft exchange profits made overseas into U.S. dollars. Governments hold reserve currencies and manipulate the money supply while they implement their monetary policies. The forex market was created to facilitate the sale of currency to customers who intend to take delivery of the currency; however, the vast majority

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