Earn Money with the Amazon Associates Program

Head over to affiliate program.amazon.com and apply for the program. You can sign up even if you’re not a US resident. You’ll be asked about a series of things, including payment information and details about your blog. The overwhelming majority of people who apply are accepted.

Note that once you are approved, you’ll be able to use Amazon affiliate links on a variety of sites you may own and not just the one you applied for. Remember to use disclaimers everywhere you use affiliate offers.
Amazon has several associates programs, depending on the locale of the store you are targeting. Currently, there is a program for the American store (Amazon.com) and one for each of the Canadian, British, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese stores. Again, you don’t have to reside in one of these countries to sign up for any of their respective affiliate programs.

using the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the Amazon Associates login page.

Register for each of the programs according to the demographics of your traffic and your blog’s language. For example, if most of your traffic arrives from the States, the UK, and Canada, then apply for each of those three Associates programs. (You’ll be applying three times.) You can select the locale

A Blogger’s Best Friend: Amazon Associate Programm

Amazon.com is a great place to earn money to bloggers but unfortunately, due to sales tax disputes with several states, the Amazon Associates program for Amazon.com is currently unavailable to residents of Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.

Check the complete, up to date list in the operating agreement, which you may want to read in its entirety. Amazon Associates was one of the earliest and most popular affiliate programs on the Web.8 Every time you refer a customer to a given Amazon site (e.g., Amazon.com) with your tracking ID, you’ll receive a small percentage of the total cost of whatever that person purchases during the next twenty-four hours.

Some affiliate marketers and bloggers greatly underestimate the earning potential of Amazon Associates on the basis of the tiny cookie duration (only twenty-four hours, instead of, say, sixty days) and the small commissions (usually between 4 and 8.50 percent, depending on your monthly sales volume, instead of the 30 to 75 percent commissions that are common for digital goods
elsewhere). While both counts are true, there are many benefits to Amazon that make it a very worthwhile program for reputable bloggers.

  • Virtually everyone knows and trusts Amazon as a store. You don’t have to convince your visitors that their credit card number won’t be stolen when they shop there.
  • Amazon’s inventory of physical products is fantastic. They carry so many items that you can always find something of quality to promote, almost regardless of your particular blogging niche.
  • Amazon spends millions of dollars studying ways to increase the percentage of visitors who end up buying products (i.e., optimizing the conversionrate of their pages). Your main goal is really to send traffic to Amazon by way of your affiliate links, after which Amazon will take care of converting many of these visitors into customers, thus earning you a commission on all of those sales.
  • Unlike other referral programs, you get a cut for every sale that’s made within a twenty-four-hour period, not just for sales of the product you promoted. My technical blogs have received commissions for goods that I never promoted, including watches, swimming pools, and adult toys. That is because you may send visitors to check out a book, but once on Amazon they may purchase other books or other products (either instead of or in combination with the original item) within the twenty-four-hour period for which your tracking ID is valid. Those unexpected, additional sales add up quickly.
  • Unlike some other affiliate programs, it is considered normal for bloggers to routinely link to Amazon in their posts. This means that your archives will contain many posts including Amazon affiliate links, generating you commissions long after you initially posted them.

Make Money with Affiliate Offers

When I was a kid I created an arrangement with my local computer store in which I would refer friends and acquaintances to them, and the store would then give me a small percentage commission based on what those people bought. I didn’t know it at the time, but the service I was providing to that store was a form of affiliate marketing.

This type of arrangement can be extremely beneficial for both the company and the affiliate. The company receives new business from customers it may not have reached otherwise, and the affiliate gets a commission for each sale that can be directly traced back to the affiliate’s site (online, usually through a cookie or coupon).

Typically, online affiliate offers work like this:

  1. The affiliate links to an offer with a tracking ID embedded in the link.
  2. A visitor visits the link and is redirected to the landing page on the company’s site.
  3. A browser cookie is stored with a certain expiration date on the computer of the visitor. This cookie associates the visitor with the affiliate that referred them.
  4. If the visitor makes a purchase at any time while the cookie is still valid,a commission is provided to the affiliate by the company.
Depending on the type of goods and the company’s approach to affiliate marketing, the commission can be anything between a few percentage points to 100 percent. Yes, you read that right. Some companies will go so far as to give away the entire sale price for a promotional period in order to attract more affiliates and perhaps recurring customers.
More commonly for digital goods such as ebooks and courses, margins are exceedingly high, which means that content producers routinely offer affiliates a 50 percent commission rate for all sales made within a large period of time after the initial referral (e.g., sixty or ninety days, which, again, is often tracked via cookies).

As you can imagine, you can generate a substantial amount of money from affiliate marketing if you have a large enough audience that you’re offering relevant services and products to.
As a blogger you already have the audience, and as we’ll see in a moment, you can find relevant affiliate offers to present to your readers. Affiliate marketing really is the one monetization strategy you can’t afford to ignore.

Before jumping into key affiliate programs for technical bloggers, I want to provide you with a little background about the stigma associated with affiliates (and affiliate marketing) in general.
The reason affiliate marketing has gained such a bad reputation is that the economic incentives to promote a company’s products are very high. Here we’re not playing around with a dime a click. Depending on the product and the commission, we could be talking as little as a few dollars or as much as hundreds if not thousands of dollars per referred customer.

Affiliate marketers have gone to great lengths to grab such generous commissions, including spamming, misleading, and downright scamming users. I really encourage you to look past the negative connotations that are associated with affiliate marketing. In this section we’ll take a very ethical approach to this subject, which can reward you handsomely without the need to mislead, spam, or promote crappy offers or products to anyone.

Read the following articles too to get good knowledge and tricks
  1. A Blogger’s Best Friend:Amazon Associates 
  2. Earn Money with the Amazon Associates Program
  3. Build Links with Your Associates ID
  4. Use Multiple Tracking IDs
  5. Understand Amazon Associates Reports
  6. Get the Best Out of Amazon Associates
  7. Where to Find Other Reputable Offers

Make Money with Sponsors

Conceptually not far from ads, sponsorships are an excellent way to make money with your blog. The basic idea is that you find companies that are relevant to your niche and then contact them about sponsoring your blog. In exchange for a monthly fee, you’ll provide them with high visibility to your blog’s readership. For example, the popular blog Daring Fireball makes a substantial income by offering RSS feed sponsorships.

Before you approach potential sponsors, though, you should have detailed information about your audience, which is easily obtained from Google Analytics. Prepare a page on your blog or as a PDF that you’ll send by email with the details of your demographic as well as with details about what you’re offering. If you are good with graphic design, make your presentation appealing and be sure to include lots of attractive graphs. Eye candy sells. Key information you should enclose in that page or document:

  • Site usage statistics: The average number of unique visitors and pageviews per month, as well as your subscriber count. Include trends if your blog is growing rapidly.
  • Geographic information: Where are your visitors from? Include the top ten countries and the percentage of traffic these locations provide.
  • Demographic information: If you’ve run surveys and know about the profession, age group, income, and other demographic information about your visitors, include these stats, too.
  • Relevant keywords (optional): If the majority of your organic traffic comes from keywords that are relevant to the sponsor, consider including the top ones in the information package you send out so as to show that your blog has the right audience.
  • Your offer: Detail exactly how much you’d like potential sponsors to pay for the sponsorship and what you are offering in exchange. Clarify whether you are offering sole sponsorship or cosponsorship of your blog. Traffic stats aside, what really seals the deal is an appealing offer. You could offer any or all of the following perks to potential sponsors.
  • A banner advertisement in a predefined format and position on your blog. Link to the sponsor, of course, but opt for a nofollow link. This way Google won’t think that you are selling links for PageRank purposes. In your offer, let the sponsor know that such links will be nofollow to comply with Google’s policies. Specify if you are limiting the offer to the frontpage (unusual) or throughout the blog (more common).
  • A thank-you note and backlink at the bottom of your posts. For example, “This post was sponsored by Acme, the best solution for all your cartoon explosion needs.”
  • A periodic thank you post that includes a shout-out to your sponsors, links to them, and a brief explanation of what they offer your readers. If your sponsor turnover is not significant, this kind of post can become annoying for your readers, thus you’ll want to keep them infrequent (e.g., once per quarter).
  • Interviews, guest blogging, and other content-based arrangements that benefit both the sponsor and the readers. Always disclose your affiliation. Don’t hide the fact that you have a sponsor from your readers.
  • Trials, giveaways, and special offers that are useful to your reader and great marketing for your sponsor.
If you don’t have any companies in mind, do some research to see if there are companies in your niche that are already sponsoring other blogs. It’s far easier to convince them to also sponsor you than it is to approach a company that has never heard of blog sponsorship before.

You can also have an Advertise page in your navigation bar as well as a Your Ad Here banner or button in a spot that you’re offering to sponsors that links to that page. Making a post in which you explain that you’re accepting sponsors is also an aggressive but legitimate way to go about it. There are companies that facilitate the whole process so that it’s virtually identical to selling ads through a network, but part of the benefit of sponsorships is that you deal with a handful of companies only, one on one, for months or even years at a time. So once your initial agreement is set up, there isn’t much work to do on your part except for collecting payments. You may as well cut out the middleman, establish good professional relationships with companies, and keep all the revenue for yourself. Should You Find Sponsors for Your Blog?

Without a doubt, sponsorships are a great way to generate recurring sources of extra cash as a technical blogger. I don’t advocate you seek sponsors the same day you launch your blog, though. Establish yourself first, and then go after sponsors. If you’re lucky, you may even be approached by companies who are interested in a media buy before you’ve started looking for them. For the record, on my programming blog I currently offer a full banner ad (468 x 60 pixels) on top of each new post for $200 a month and two halfbanners (234 x 60 pixels) at the top of my sidebar for $100 each. I also offer my sponsors the ability to be interviewed or reviewed (with full disclosure)

when a new product of theirs, one that’s relevant to my audience, comes out. That’s $400 a month, or, if you prefer, $4,800 a year, right there. (I usually sell sponsorship placements for three or six months at a time.) You can set your own price by basing it on a honest RPM/CPM. If you require a sensible $3 CPM for a given sponsorship offer, you can divide your average monthly pageviews by 1000 and then multiply that by $3. So if your blog were to attract 100,000 pageviews per month on average, you can request $300/mo. from your sponsor. Generally speaking, the more prominent your banner and overall sponsorship offer and the narrower the scope of your blog, the higher you can go with your CPM rate.

As usual, respect your readers. Opt for tasteful ads and banners. Don’t permit Flash ads that include sounds, and limit the animation level of your banners to a minimum. Likewise, don’t feed your readers low-quality, spam-like sponsors just to make a quick buck. I constantly receive offers for sponsorship and link purchases from companies I do not trust. I always turn them down, and so should you. For startup or company blogs, just like ads, sponsorships don’t make much business sense.

Make Money with Ads

Advertising is the first strategy to consider to start monetizing your blog. Thanks to ad networks such as Google AdSense,placing ad units on a blog is very straightforward. Such networks act as intermediaries between advertisers and publishers. The details vary, but essentially ad networks aggregate a series of ad spots on a large number of sites and let advertisers pay to place ads in them. This frees you from the burden of finding advertisers, agreeing on a fair price, collecting payments, and so on.

Google Adsense is the ever best Ads network that pay higher amount per one click and further you can understand about Google adsense programm reading my "
What Is AdSense?" article. If you contemplate to place ads on your blog, you can sign up for free with Google AdSense and then set up one or more ad units. AdSense is the site owner counterpart to the Google AdWords program, which is the interface used by advertisers to buy ads on search results and sites belonging to the Google AdSense program.

You will be provided with an embeddable snippet of JavaScript code for each ad unit you create, which you then place in strategic spots on your blog. Ads that are relevant to your content will automatically be displayed inside such spots on your blog I have described this further in article
how does AdSense know what ads to send?, and your account will earn a variable amount of money each time a visitor clicks one of those ads. Most of the adsense publishers ask how much money can make from AdSense? and their is no a simple answer to give. It is vary according to keywords that used in your blog. If your blog contain and write articles on high paying keywords you can earn much dollars.
Google will display a maximum of three ad units regardless of how many units you place on a given page. This means that you shouldn’t place more than three ad units on any page of your site.
WordPress users can include ads in the sidebar by adding a Text widget containing the JavaScript ad code provided by AdSense. For other spots, such as below each post, users can choose their theme’s ad options or use one of the many ad plugins available, or they can edit the theme’s files directly. Common theme files to edit are header.php, footer.php, and single.php.
    As well as Blogger users can take advantage of the AdSense gadget, which is available in the Page Elements pane within the Design tab. Regardless of your blogging engine, you can add a search box powered by Google AdSense if you wish. When users search your site with it and end up clicking any ad that’s displayed on the results page, you get a cut. Google also enables you to include ads at the top and/or at the bottom of your feed.

    To increase your revenue you can either bring in more visitors or up the number of clicks you get from the current volume of visitors you receive (Visit my Triple your CTR article). Ideally you’ll be able to do both. Avoid positioning your ad units in a way that makes them appear to be actual content, such as horizontal ad units containing a few links that resemble a list of categories or pages for your blog. Such ads should not be placed where your navigation bar would normally be. Misleading your visitors is never acceptable, and Google will sometimes intervene in situations where such behavior is reported.

    Finally, it’s important to note that Google requires you to have a privacy policy on your blog. You can obtain one by searching Google for a privacy policy generator and then adding the text to a Privacy Policy page that you link to from your blog’s menu bar or from the footer. 
    How ever read following topics to get basic knowledge on Google Adsense.
    Alternatives to AdSense
    AdSense may be the most common ad provider for bloggers, but it’s certainly not the only option available. A wide variety of ad networks exist, and some of them may be good matches for your blog. Here’s a list, by no means exhaustive, of a few of the most popular choices you may want to check out them in my article "Top 10 alternatives To Google Adsense". Some of these networks pay publishers in the same way AdSense does, on the basis of the actual clicks received (CPC-based), whereas others sell you ad spots at a fixed rate per thousand impressions (CPM-based) or per given time period. For the latter two types of ad networks, the ads’ click-through rate does not affect your earnings.

    Keeping an eye on fellow bloggers in your niche is a good way to spot niche specific ad networks that could potentially lead to decent rewards. For my programming blog, I personally use Federated Media, which has a strong technology sub network (a federation in its terminology). In this system, I have AdSense in place as a backup for those times when Federated Media isn’t able to provide any ad campaigns for my site to run, therefore helping
    my blog get the best of both of these ad revenue worlds.

    In the majority of cases, there is an approval process that your site must go through before you can join a network, some of which are by invitation only. The main criteria are always traffic and content quality. If you show up with a brand new site and little traffic, relatively few ad networks will take you on. Build a following first. 

    Use Other People's Info To Increase Your Adsense Cash

    Adsense is really making a huge impact on the affiliate marketing industry nowadays. Because of this, weak affiliate merchants have the tendency to die faster than ever and ad networks will be going to lose their customers quickly. If you are in a losing rather than winning in the affiliate program you are currently into, maybe it is about time to consider going into the Adsense marketing and start earning some real cash.

    Google is readily providing well written and highly relevant ads that are closely chosen to match the content on your pages. You do not have to look for them yourselves as the search engine will be the doing the searching for you from other people’s source. You do not have to spend time in choosing different kind of ads for different pages. And no codes to mess around for different affiliate programs (Top 10 affiliate programs).

    You will be able to concentrate on providing good and quality content, as the search engines will be the ones finding the best ads in which to put your pages on.

    You are still allowed to add Adsense ads even if you already have affiliate links on your site. It is prohibited, however, to imitate the look and feel of the Google ads for your affiliate links.

    You can filter up to 200 URLs. That gives you a chance to block ads for the sites that do not meet your guidelines. You can also block competitors. Though it is unavoidable that Adsense may be competing for some space on web sites that all other revenues are sharing. Owners of small sites are allowed to plug a bit of a code into their sites and instantly have relevant text ads that appeal to your visitors appear instantly into your pages. If you own many sites, you only need to apply once. It makes up for having to apply to many affiliate programs.

    The only way to know how much you are already earning is to try and see. If you want out, all you have to do is remove the code from your site.

    The payment rates can vary extremely. The payment you will be receiving per click depends on how much advertisers are paying per click to advertise with the use of the AdWords. Advertisers can pay as little as 5 cents and as high as $10-12, sometimes even more than that too. You are earning a share of that money generated.

    If your results remain stagnant, it can help if you try and build simple and uncluttered pages so that the ads can catch the visitor’s eyes more. It sometimes pay to differ from the usual things that people are doing already. It is also a refreshing sight for your visitor once they see something different for a change.

    Publishers also have the option of choosing to have their ads displayed only on a certain site or sites. It is also allowed to have them displayed on a large network of sites. The choice would be depending on what you think will work best for your advantage.

    To get an idea if some Adsense ads you see on the search engines has your pages, try to find web pages that have similar material to the content you are planning to create and look up their Adsense ads. It is important to note that you cannot choose certain topics only. If you do this, search engines will not place Adsense ads on your site and you will be missing out a great opportunity in making hundreds and even thousands of dollars cash.

    It is still wise to look at other people’s information and format your Adsense there. Just think about it as doing yourself a favor by not having to work too hard to know what content to have. With all the information that people need in your hands already, all you have to do is turn them as your profits. It all boils down to a gain and gain situation both for the content site owners and the webmasters or publishers.

    Make other people’s matter your own and starting earning some extra cash.

    3 Reasons Why Adsense Is Essential For Content Sites

    To know why Adsense is essential for your content sites is to know first how this works.
    The concept is really simple, if you think about it. The publisher or the webmaster inserts a java script into a certain website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script will pull advertisements from the Adsense program.
    The ads that are targeted should therefore be related to the content that is contained on the web page serving the ad. If a visitor clicks on an advertisement, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying the search engine for the click. The search engine is the one handling all the tracking and payments, providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive and targeted ads without having the hassle to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor the clicks and statistics which could be a timeconsuming task in itself.

    It seems that there is never a shortage of advertisers in the program from which the search engine pulls the Adsense ads. Also webmasters are less concerned by the lack of information search engines are providing and are more focused in making cash from these search engines.

    The first reason why Adsense is essential for content sites is because it already has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters.

    Together with its continuous progression is the appearance of more advanced system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters are given the chance to choose from many different types of text ad formats to better complement their website and fit their webpage layout.

    The different formatting enables the site owners the possibility of more click through from visitors who may or may not be aware of what they are clicking on. It can also appeal to the people visiting thus make them take that next step of looking up what it is all about. This way the people behind the Adsense will get their content read and making profit in the process.

    The second reason is the ability of the Adsense publishers to track not only how their sites are progressing but also the earnings based on the webmaster-defined channels. The recent improvements in the search engines gives webmasters the capability to monitor how their ads are performing using customizable reports that has the capacity to detail page impressions, clicks and click-through rates.
    Webmasters and publishers can now track specific ad formats, colors and pages within a website. Trends are also easily spotted. With the real-time reporting at hand, the effectiveness of the changes made will be assessed quickly. There would be time to sort out the contents that people are making the most clicks on. The ever-changing demands would be met while generating cash for the webmasters and publishers.

    The more flexible tools are also allowing webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain, ad type or category, which will provide them some accurate insight on which pages, ads and domains are performing best.

    The last and final reason is that the advertisers have realized the benefits associated having their ads served on targeted websites. Thus increasing the possibility that a prospective web surfer will have an interest in their product and services. All because of the content and its constant maintenance.
    As opposed to those who are no using Adsense in their sites, they are given the option of having other people do their content for them, giving them the benefit of having successful and money-generating web sites.

    Adsense is all about targeted content, the more targeted your content is, the more target the search engines’ ads will be. There are some web masters and publishers who are focused more on their site contents and how best to maintain them rather than the cash that the ads will generate for them. This is the part where the effectiveness is working its best.

    There was a time when people were not yet aware of the money to be achieved from advertisements. The cash generated only came into existence when the webmasters and publishers realized how they can make Adsense be that generator. In those days, the content were the most important factors that is taken quite seriously. It still is. With the allure of money, of course.

    Google adsense on Joomla sites

    Now a days a popular website builder is a Joomla. So those who use joomla to create their web site should be a method to use adsense to Monatize their site. So if you want to show google's ads on a Joomla website this article will show you how. There are a series of steps that you need to go through to put google adsense onto a Joomla page. These are :
    1. Check what module positions are available in the site template
    2. Decide which of the Joomla module positions you are going to use for the adsense advert
    3. Use the Joomla custom HTML module to insert the adsense code into the module
    4. Test the result
    When you check the module positions that are available you may find that there is nowhere suitable or you don't want to use the existing module positions. In that case follow sub topic Adding a new module position to a Joomla template it will show you how to add a new module position and give it a name and location on your template. Let's begin the process, we're going to put adsense onto this site, New to Joomla dot com. Here's a screenshot of how it looks before starting the process. As you can see, no adverts.

    Check what Joomla module positions are available in the site template
    The easiest way to view the module positions is to log in as administrator, then go to
    1. Extensions > Template Manager using the menu.
    2. Then click the preview button.
    You should see the module positions overlaid on the template.
    While looking at above image it's useful to note that module positions can have any name, there are no restrictions. Also, where module positions are named, such as 'user 1', 'user 2' etc there is no reason why these should be numbered consecutively or that every number needs to be used. As shown here, the module names are simply strings of text so they can be anything the designer chooses.

    The breadcrumb module position is normally used as its name suggests, for holding the breadcrumb trail showing the position of the page within the site. It would be well to leave that alone, unless you are not using breadcrumbs. In this case we are going to put the adsense adverts into the banner module position.

    Get the google adsense code for your site
    Login to your adsense account and set up and appropriate advert unit that you want to use. If you use channels for tracking don't forget to use a custom channel, copy the adsense code onto the clipboard of your computer.

    Add the google adsense code to the Joomla module position
    In the administration section go to Extension > Module Manager, then click on the New icon to create a new module, when the list of available modules appears,
    click the radio button next to custom HTML then continue, this will take you to the custom HTML module setup page.
    There are several things to set here;
    1. Give the module a sensible title, something like banner adsense, so it will remind you what the module does, and which module position it goes into. Click the No radio button next to Show title, then select the banner module position from the dropdown list. The order will be set automatically when you save the module.
    2. You should still have your adsense script code on the clipboard. This has to be pasted into the custom html area at the bottom of the page. However, you can't just paste it in as text, otherwise Joomla will simply show the script, rather than calling the google adsense server and asking it to show adverts. This example shows Joomla with the TinyMCE editor, this may of may not work on your website but the workaround is described below in case you need it. Click the HTML button, shown at 2 above, this will display the HTML source window
    3. Paste your adsense script in there, then click the update button.

    Save the custom module and preview your site. Your should see the adsense adverts in the banner module position.

    Troubleshooting google adsense in Joomla
    If your google ads don't show try the following.

    Begin by viewing your site in a browser, then examining the page source. Most browsers have a 'View' menu, and under that you will find Page Source, or something like that. Look down the source, you should be able to recognise the major parts of the page. What you are looking for is the google adsense script, it's easy to recognise because it looks something like this.
    The things that makes it easy to spot are the id="banner" and the script tags. Examine it carefully and compare it to the actual google adsense code from you adsense account. If they are not identical go back to the custom html and edit it.

    There is also the possibility that the editor that you have installed in Joomla has re-written the code in an attempt to tidy it up. The first time I installed adsense code in this way (as shown above) the TinyMCE editor (the default Joomla editor) rewrote the script code as html comments. So when the page was viewed no ads showed.

    Workaround for editor re-writing problems
    If you find that your editor has re-written the script code, then you need to turn off the editor for the duration of the setup of the custom html, then turn it back on when you have finished.

    To turn off the Joomla editor, go to the Administration panel and click users, then click on your own login name, (Administrator),then look to the right-hand side of the page at the parameters section and set the editor to no editor as shown.
    Save the changes, then go back to the custom module and you should find that the editor at the bottom of the screen in not just a textbox. Paste your adsense script in there, save the changes and view your site. You should see the adsense ads appearing. If not check your work.

    Don't forget to return to the user administration section and reset the editor back to whatever it was.

    Finally...Here's how the google adsense ads look in the Joomla site here at New to Joomla dot com.

    How to Create a new VPN Connection

    Hi friends in These days most of the internet users that earn money from internet by doing ads clicks or Google Adsense requested to Hide their real IP address. Because you can visit your sit too as an another person in a foreign country after changing your IP address.

    There are some methords to hide your IP address and in this article I describe how change or hide your IP address using VPN (Virtual private Network) connection. Then create a VPN connection.

    1. Make sure your system is up–to–date
    Be sure that you run Windows Update before setting up your VPN connection.

    2. Open the Control Panels
    First, click on the Start button and click “Control Panels”. This opens up the “Control Panel Home.”

    3. Go to the Control panel and change it to small icons

    4. Next, click on the “Network and Sharing” control panel

    5. Click “Setup a new connection or network”

    6. Select “Connect to a workplace” and click next.

    7. Next click “Use my Internet connection (VPN).”

    8. For Internet address enter ras.finance.upenn.edu and Division of Finance for Destination name 

    Or you can  use below links to find Free VPN severs
    1. VPNBOOK
    2. JustFreeVpn
    Select Don’t’ connect now; just set it up so I can connect later

    9. Enter your username and password

    10. Click Create

    11. You should see this screen next. Click the “Close” button to return to the “Network and Sharing” screen.

    Now Your VPN connection is ready. Go right side of the Task panel and click on network place and click VPN connection now created and click on connect. Type your username and password and connect to the VPN server. 

    Now check your IP address.

    watch below video to clarify further more.

    Top 4 Tips For Getting The Best Results From Your AdSense Ads

    I'm happy to say that now we are coming to some of the most interesting bits about AdSense program. Here we will talk about some tips that can help you enhance your AdSense revenue. That is mean now we reach towards the trick which used by adsense millionaires.

    The revenue that you earn from Google AdSense program is totally dependent on you and your abilities. Here are some tips that you can use to get the best results from your AdSense Ads:

    You may also like to read
    1. Top 15 adsense tips
    2. Difference between page views, clicks, page CRT CPC and page RPM in google adsense

    Use channels: Channels help you in conducting a better analysis of the performance of your AdSense Ads. You can use custom channels to check what web pages are making more revenue and which ones are not doing so well. In fact, custom channels can be used for conducting analysis on multiple aspects at the same time. You can use this analysis for making amendments to your AdSense Ads or website content in order to get better results.

    Ad customization and positioning: Shape, Size and color are the three properties of your AdSense Ads that you can easily control and customize in a way that the Ads don’t look out of place when served on your website. You can either make your Ads stand out from the rest of the content on your webpage or you can make them blend with the overall webpage. Moreover, you can identify the hot spots on your website and position your Ads accordingly. Ad customization and Ad positioning are, in fact, the best ways to attract more clicks to your AdSense Ads. There are some posts written by me in last days you can find them from my site map or go through Triple your CRT.
    1. Average CTR By Weekday
    2. Best Overall Ad Formats
    3. Choose the Best Colors For Your Ad Blocks
    4. Facts and Figures: Statistics of Notes of Adsense ads
    5. Link Color Performance
    6. Make Your Ads Look Less Like Ads
    7. Position the Ad Blocks Properly
    8. Top 10 Background Colors
    9. Top 10 Border Colors
    10. Top 10 Url Colors
    11. Top 5 Text Colors
    12. Triple your CTR by dressing ad formats
    13. Use the Best Ad Form
    Content quality: ‘The best generally overcomes the rest’is a very true saying. If you host quality content on your website and provide regular updates to your visitors, you can expect more traffic to your website. This will in turn lead to more ad impressions and possibly more clicks.

    Use AdSense Ads on all pages: If you have multiple web pages on your website, you should include AdSense Ads on all of them. Since the visitors can enter your website through a number of different pages, having AdSense Ads on all the pages will surely increase your earnings.

    Top 4 Ad Filtering Mechanisms of Google Adsense

    Create your website or web pages very suitable for AdSense ads is one interesting thing and another interesting thing about the Google AdSense Ads is the filtering mechanism used by Google to filter Ads for displaying them on your website. Because of this ads filtering machanism Google know what ads send to your page or site.
    So Let’s focus our mind to Google's ads filtering machanism. Google’s filtering mechanism for Ads is based on a number of factors as describe follow.
    01. Relevance To Content: 
    This is the single most important Ad filtering criterion that is used by the Google AdSense program to send only relevant ads to your web site or web page. In fact, it is this filtering concept that gives Google AdSense program an important edge over the other advertising programs. The Google AdSense program determines the main topics/subjects of the website content and serves the Ads that are relevant to the same. Since Google AdSense is a global program, the relevance of Ads is also checked with respect to geography and the language of the content on the website. Note that AdSense can actually be used in a number of languages not just English.
    02. Appropriateness Of Content: 
    There are websites that are based strictly on Adult themes while the other sites are family friendly ones. Since Google’s AdSense program is open to all website owners and advertisers, Google also controls the content of Ads to prevent Offense to anyone who sees the Ads. Google does this by using sensitive language filters and language experts. Google uses strict rules and guidelines for conducting an editorial review on the content of Ads. It also asks you to provide information about what kind of Ads you deem as inappropriate for your website.
    03. Competition Filter: 
    Since Google serves Ads based on the content of the websites, it’s quite possible that the Ads of competitors get displayed on a website that sells a particular product or service. To avoid this, Google provides a facility to the website owners wherein they can specify competitors or advertisers whose Ads should not be displayed on the website.
    04. Choose Your Own: 
    You can also choose default Ads to be shown in case Google AdSense program is not able to serve Ads to your website.

    Optimize Site Navigation For Higher Adsense Revenue

    Most of web site owners that use Adsense as their main income, are going after the so called high paying keywords. There are methods to determine this, you can even buy lists that hand them over to you. However, after they have put up there “high paying” pages there is no sound of the expected cash. Having those pages is one thing. Driving visitors towards them, is another. The easiest, and most obvious way to funnel people to your high paying keyword pages, is by optimizing your site navigation for this purpose.

    Most of the time visitors who enter to your page don't visit only one page, most probably they visit some pages as they interest. They find this page by links that are provided to them on their page of entry. The facility you provide people to visit around your site called as "Site navigation".

    A tipical web site contain a section called as "menu". That Menu section contain each an every page to facilitate visitors to find categorized pages. What decides them to click on a link to another section is the words used to indicate the link. “Free of access” or “Download latest software” might get their attention.

    In respect to your Adsense earnings, you should track your site navigation to drive people to your high paying pages. I have some pages that get a lot of traffic from search engines, but the earnings on these pages are very low. So I use some clever navigation on these pages to lure people to some higher earning pages. By using this technique you can turn some cheap clicks into dollars.

    How to start the testing?
    First of all, you must have something to track, something to compare. Second, you must select some high earning pages you want to funnel your traffic to.

    To get the fastest results, you should select some of your highly visited pages.

    Then you have to think about what might convince people on a particular page to move to a high earning page. Try to find some description that would get their attention. Next step is to think about a suited location to place the link on the webpage.

    Within the article itself, on the bottom as recommended resources, just above the main menu.Get creative and, especially, look around at other site to see how they do it.

    You don’t have to stick with plain text links. You can also use some graphic to get peoples attention. Look around, and get ideas.

    As with the testing of Adsense ads, try different texts on different pages, so you can get a feeling of what works and what not. Mix and match, put links on top, put them on the bottom. And after that, it’s just testing, tracking, testing and tracking again.

    Strategy Classification of Google adsense

    Google AdSense program has given an altogether new purpose to websites. Besides serving content or selling products and services, websites are now being used to generate revenue through serving Google AdSense Ads. 
    The webmasters employ various strategies in order to extract the maximum out of Google AdSense. There is no formal classification available for these strategies however I describe those three strategies as follow.

    Traffic Generation: 
    Since the income generation from AdSense Ads is based on the CPC and CPM basis, if your site has more traffic, it is mean your revenue also high. Most webmasters are fully aware of this fact and employ various tricks to generate high traffic to their website. All such tricks fall under the category of ‘Traffic Generation’.
    Converting Traffic To Clicks: 
    Clicks seem to be the best way of increasing AdSense revenue. Prompting the website visitors to click on the AdSense Ads can make a big difference in terms of the AdSense revenue that you earn. A good copy can make the website visitors more confident about your website and hence make them click your adsense adse. Besides the website copy, the website owners apply several other means for getting more clicks. These form the ‘Converting traffic to Clicks’ category.
    Attracting High Value AdSense Ads: 
    Besides the traffic to your website,your AdSense revenue is also based on the value of the AdSense Ads. So, some Ads produce more revenue when they are clicked/displayed than the others. This is determined using the Adwords system. Some webmasters develop websites primarily for AdSense revenue generation. These webmasters choose the website topic and orient the content in such a way so as to attract high value AdSense Ads. These tricks form the “Attracting High Value AdSense Ads” category.

    Lates Top 50 highest paying adsense keywords

    There are some specific keyword for adsence which do pay highest CPC rate due to competition among products or services. Although these highest paying Google AdSense Keywords pay highest CPC rate as compared to all other Google adsence keywords that doesn't mean all ads which fits on same Keywords will Generate High CPC rate.
    Its all about Advertiser investment and there Bid rate for particular keywords , Sometime even a keywords which pay low CPC rate can generate exceptional high CPC rate while sometime a highest paying keyword could not generate even 0.2$ per click. However there are some specific keyword in Google adsence which do generate some outstanding CPC rate which may range from 0.30 cent to 179.01$ CPC + depending upon there advertiser investment ,Bid rate and CPC rate .

    You might we wondering why any advertiser pay's high CPC rate for advertisement . Answer is Bit complected as there are lots of factor that decides advertisement CPC rate . In simple words ,some factor that force advertiser to increase there CPC rate are Demands,Advertising competition,Bid rate,Keywords advertisement rate with high bid rate that Generate high Revenue by the advertiser , when any customer Directly opt in to there service or buy costly product online


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