What is eCPM or Page RPM in Google Adsense

"RPM" is an abbreviation for Revenue per Mille as well as "Mille" being Latin for thousand. So, Page RPM refers to the Revenue earned per thousand views of a webpage.
Page RPM is also referred to as the eCPM in the Google Adsense interface. The page RPM is calculated by dividing your total earning from the ads shown on a webpage by the total number of page views and then multiplying by 1000. It is always calculated as a currency value.

Above formula works irrespective of how many page views you have. So if you have made 2.00 US dollars for 1002 page views, then it is estimated that you will earn 20 US dollars if there were 1000 page views. That was taken as follows

Lets think that you made 70 US D from 5000 page views, then the revenue you earn per 1000 page views is 14 USD.

You can also consider, the revenue earned in terms of the clicks and Cost per Click (CPC). That means the revenue earned is a product of the number of clicks and the average CPC that your ads are getting. Thus further breaking down the formula in terms of clicks and CPC.

Again the number of clicks you generated can be expressed in terms of the number of ad impressions that you got while displaying the web page. Thus we can express the above formula as

As with any statistical calculation the more data you have, the better the results. That means the more page views you have and the more number of clicks you have, the more accurate the Page RPM.Ideally you want the page RPM or the eCPM to be as high as possible. From the formula that we derived above you can see that there are mainly two ways that you can increase the eCPM


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